- Either of two large pheasants, Pavo cristatus of India and Sri Lanka or P.muticus of southeast Asia. 孔雀印度和斯里蘭卡的有冠孔雀屬雉類或東南亞的孔雀屬雉類
- Either of two large pheasants, Pavo cristatus of India and Sri Lanka or P. muticus of southeast Asia. 孔雀印度和斯里蘭卡的有冠孔雀屬雉類或東南亞的孔雀屬雉類
- Any of several small,slender,often brightly colored salamanders of the genus Triturus and related genera,living chiefly on land but becoming aquatic during the breeding season. 蠑螈一種蠑螈屬或其它相關屬的通常色彩鮮艷的細長小蠑螈,主要生活在陸地但在繁殖季節變為水中生活。
- Any of several small, slender, often brightly colored salamanders of the genus Triturus and related genera, living chiefly on land but becoming aquatic during the breeding season. 蠑螈一種蠑螈屬或其它相關屬的通常色彩鮮艷的細長小蠑螈,主要生活在陸地但在繁殖季節變為水中生活
- A mammal(Proteles cristatus) native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena,has gray fur with black stripes,and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae. 土狼一種生長於非洲南部和東部的哺乳動物(羽毛狀土狼土狼屬),形狀象鬣狗,長有夾雜黑色條紋的灰色絨毛,主要以白蟻和昆蟲的幼蟲為食。
- A mammal(Proteles cristatus)native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena, has gray fur with black stripes, and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae. 土狼一種生長於非洲南部和東部的哺乳動物(羽毛狀土狼土狼屬),形狀象鬣狗,長有夾雜黑色條紋的灰色絨毛,主要以白蟻和昆蟲的幼蟲為食
- A mammal(Proteles cristatus) native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena, has gray fur with black stripes, and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae. 土狼一種生長於非洲南部和東部的哺乳動物(羽毛狀土狼土狼屬),形狀象鬣狗,長有夾雜黑色條紋的灰色絨毛,主要以白蟻和昆蟲的幼蟲為食
- A mammal(Proteles cristatus)native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena,has gray fur with black stripes,and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae. 土狼一種生長於非洲南部和東部的哺乳動物(羽毛狀土狼土狼屬),形狀象鬣狗,長有夾雜黑色條紋的灰色絨毛,主要以白蟻和昆蟲的幼蟲為食
- Amblyrhynchus cristatus [Galapagos marine iguana] 鈍鼻蜥
- Potamogeton cristatus Regel et Maack 小葉眼子菜
- Triturus 蠑螈(屬)
- Potamogeton cristatusn. 雞冠眼子菜
- Neoechinorhynchus cristatus 有嵴新棘吻蟲
- Oxyruncus cristatusn. 尖喙鳥(尖喙鳥科)
- Podiceps cristatusn. 鳳頭(科)
- Parus cristatusn. 鳳頭山雀(山雀科)
- aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 土狼
- Cynosurus cristatusn. 洋狗尾草
- Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞
- dogtail (Cynosurus cristatus L. )被應用於草坪。