- Tomizuka Mitsuo 富冢三夫(1929-),日本人,眾議員
- He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January15,1929. 他於一九二九年一月十五日出生在喬治亞州的亞特蘭大市。
- The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade. 1929年的經濟大蕭條摧毀了國際貿易。
- The quotas finally went into effect on July 1,1929. 這種定額制終於在1929年7月1日生效。
- Fantova first met Einstein in 1929 in Berlin. 喬安娜·范多娃和愛因斯坦1929年在柏林相識。
- The Academy began presenting awards in 1929. 學院自1929年開始頒發獎項,
- Our family business failed in 1929. 1929年我們家族破產了
- Was the first West Lake Expo held in 1929? 首屆西湖博覽會是在1929年舉辦的嗎?
- In 1929 he took a job as a seaman. 1929年他當了海員。
- A: Was the first West Lake Expo held in 1929? 首屆西湖博覽會是在1929年舉辦的嗎?
- The film was made way back in 1929. 這部影片是早在一九二九年就攝製的。
- The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929. 紐約股票交易所於一九二九年大崩潰。
- America began the year 1929 flushed with optimism. 美國曾十分樂觀地走進1929年。
- The stock market crash of 1929 ruined many people. 1929年股票市場的崩潰使許多人破了產。
- London : H.Milford, Oxford University Press, 1929. 附註 Originally published: New Haven : Yale University Press ;
- The rate of production growth was on the decline in 1929. 1929年生產增長率趨於下降。
- In 1929, President Herbert Hoover organized the federal Farm Board. 1929年,赫伯特 - 胡佛總統組建了聯邦農業委員會。
- He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929. 他於一九二九年一月十五日出生在喬治亞州的亞特蘭大市。
- The quotas finally went into effect on July 1, 1929. 這種定額制終於在1929年7月1日生效。
- When Gregory finally proposed to her in 1929, Alma accepted. 當格雷戈里最終於1929年向她求婚時,阿爾瑪答應了。