- "東芝發言人Jun'ichi Nagaki說道,"我們認為對紙的需求永遠不會完全消失。"We don't think demand for paper will ever disappear completely."
- KY型節點KY-joints
- 比爾羅特,C.A.T.(1829-1894)Christian Albert Theodor Billroth (1829~1894)
- 阻燃劑KY-Fwfire-retardant KY-Fw
- (1857-1894)人工製造電磁波的德國物理學家。German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894).
- Ky-Fan函數Ky - Fan function
- Fan-Ky極大極小不等式Fan-Ky minimax inequality
- 中日戰爭(1894)中的一次戰鬥;日本人從中國人那裡奪取港口和防禦工事。a battle in the Chino-Japanese war (1894); Japanese captured the port and fortifications from the Chinese.
- Ky-Fan』s極大極小不等式Ky - Fan' s minimax inequality
- K約翰·伯因頓·普里斯特利(1894-1984),英國小說家,劇作家和散文家。J.B.Priestley (1894--1984), British novelist, playwright, and essayist
- KY-2型高密度壓井液助劑的研製與應用Additive KY-2 for High Density Well Control Fluids
- 柏林大教堂是一座宏偉的巴洛克式教堂,修建於1894至1905年間。它位於施普雷河中的一個島嶼之上。The Berliner Dom is a magnificent baroque cathedral built between 1894 and 1905. It is located on an island in the river Spree.
- 耐溫抗鹽聚合物KY的合成及性能影響因素Influence factors on Synthesis and Characters of Temperature Tolerance and Salt Resistance Polymer KY as a Flooding Agent
- 皮博迪,伊麗莎白·帕爾默1804-1894美國教育家和作家,1860年在美國創辦了第一家幼兒園A city of northeast Massachusetts west of Salem. Settled c.1633 and later called South Danvers, it was renamed after George Peabody in1868. Population,47, 039.
- KY-310牙輪鑽機穩車千斤頂下沉的淺析與處理Analysis and soution of the amount sunk of supporting jack in KY-310 drilling rig
- KY-Fw木材阻燃劑對木材吸濕性和尺寸穩定性的影響Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability
- 愛德華八世(1894-1972),威爾士親王(1911-1936),繼承喬治五世為國王(1936),同年因要娶美國的瓦麗絲 - 辛普森為妻而退位。Edward VIII (1894--1972), Prince of Wales (1911--1936), succeeded George V as king (1936), when he abdicated in order to marry Wallis Simpson of the United States.
- 安徽石馬UHP-Ky榴輝岩中綠輝石變形結構的HREM研究HREM Study of The Deformed Microstructure of Omphacite in UHP Ky eclogite from Shima, Anhui Province
- 1894 年,Bircher 在治療鹼導致的下咽頸段食管狹窄時,描述了前胸皮管的應用。 早在1895 年Biondi 建議把胃通過裂孔拉入胸腔替代食道。Bircher described an antethoracic skin tube for the treatment of lye stricture in cervical esophagus and hypopharynx in 1894. As early as 1895, Biondi suggested replacing esophagus with stomach brought into chest through the hiatus.