- So, How to dig and build the logistics capability? 那麼,如何充分的挖掘現代物流的這種能力?
- The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig. 園丁們舒腰展臂后才開始挖地。
- It is not easy to dig out the past. 發掘過去的歷史是不容易的。
- Ten soldiers were told off to dig ditches. 十名戰士被分派去挖溝。
- You dig and dig, but no treasure seems to be here. 你挖了又挖,但是寶藏似乎不在這裡。
- I forgot to dig a trench around the tent. 我忘了在帳篷四周挖一條溝。
- Huck began to dig and scratch now. Some boards were soon uncovered and removed. They had concealed a natural chasm which led under the rock. 哈克也開始挖,不一會工夫,他們把露出的木板移走,這時出現了一個通往岩石下的天然裂口。
- Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 報紙就是愛把醜事兒揭出來。
- It is a major strategy for U&C to dig and introduce excellent Rx and OTC medicine, and healthcare products into China market. 公司的主要發展戰略是不斷挖掘、引進國內外優秀的處方葯、非處方葯和保健品,不斷滲透中國的醫藥保健品市場。
- We had to dig deeper to find water. 我們必須再挖深些才能找到水。
- The officer ordered his men to dig in. 軍官命令部下挖戰壕自衛。
- They may instead have used their long teeth to dig and chop, in the same way that beavers do, says Paul Barrett, a dinosaur expert at the Natural History Museum, London. 它們可能像海狸那樣通過用長牙掘土和削劈來獲取食物,倫敦自然歷史博物館的恐龍專家鮑爾·巴勒特說。
- The gardeners flexedtheir muscles and began to dig. 園丁們舒腰展臂后才開始挖地。
- It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well. 挖一口深井很費事。
- We are expecting to dig out some important facts. 我們希望能找出一些重要的事實。
- They had to dig down to pay for gas and meals. 他們得掏腰包自付汽油費和飯費。
- Huck began to dig and scratch. 哈克也連挖帶刨地幫著幹起來。
- Interns' job is to dig slowly and carefully. 實習生的工作是慢慢並細心地鑽研。
- The enemy scarcely had time to dig in before our assault was on. 敵人還沒來得及挖好掩體,我們的進攻就開始了。
- You dig and dig, but do not find any treasure. 你挖了又挖,但是沒發現任何寶藏。