- To culminate one's merit 完滿功德
- They are due to culminate in Copenhagen this December. 今年十二月在哥本哈根他們將會達成共識。
- Through implementation of benchmarking, the organization can know themselves clearly and pick abundantly the other people』s merit to use. 通過實施標杆管理,組織能夠清楚地認識自我,同時博採他人之長為自己所用。
- It summarizes index evaluation and DEA" s merit, limitation and advertent questions in use, and points out how to combine these two methods to evaluate fund" s achievement well. 同時,還對實證中用到的分析方法進行探討:指出指數評價法在應用中遇到某些基金在各指數中位次排行不統一的問題時,可引入數據包絡分析法加以解決;
- The battle of ideas that was to culminate in the Enlightenment began in the seventeenth century. 開始於17世紀的觀念之爭在啟蒙運動時臻於極致。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- That triggers a period of assessment by commanders there, and in Washington, that is expected to culminate in early September with new recommendations on U.S. troop levels. 在伊拉克和華盛頓的美軍指揮官員因此會在今後一段時間裡進行評估,預計在9月初結束評估時將提出駐伊拉克美軍數量的新建議。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不準不按次序買票。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不應限制在任何特定的年齡組上。
- Congressional concern with reducing the federal budget deficit in the 1980s led to enactment of the so-called Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit-reduction law, which mandated staged cuts in the annual deficit to culminate in a balanced budget in 1993. 80年代國會對削減聯邦赤字的關注,導致所謂「格蘭姆-魯德曼-荷林斯降低赤字法」的制訂,規定逐步降低年度赤字,以期在1993年實現預算的平衡。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹馬有六比一的賠率很不錯。
- Well with my feet on the ground, if I will gain places on the podium or win than it』s merited. 我得知當我的名字被提到時,他曾給予了積極的評價。
- The police have only one fingerprint to hang onto. 警察惟一能憑藉的就是一個指印。
- I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one. 我喜歡沙灘,不喜歡遍布小圓石的海灘。
- Summarize on NSF's Merit Review Process of Fiscal Year 2004 美國國家科學基金會2004財年價值評議綜述
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中隊戰機脫離編隊攻擊敵轟炸機群。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我們應當使自己適應變化了的情況。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某種形態的能量改變成另一形態的能量是可能的。