- But stealth parties offer the privileged a chance to consume without an inner censor chiding them for their spendthrift ways. 但隱密的購物派對提供有錢階級一個機會,讓他們不必為了揮金如土感到內疚。
- My brother often scolds me without reason. 我哥哥經常無故責備我。
- It is not altogether without reason to believe so. 這樣認為並非毫無道理。
- The Service may be used only for services that are generally accessible to consumers without charge. 「服務」只能用於一般情況下無需收費即可訪問的服務。
- The API may be used only for services that are generally accessible to consumers without charge. API只能用於一般情況下無需向用戶收費即可訪問的服務。
- Don't scold the child without reason. 不可無緣無故地責罵小孩。
- It is not altogether without reason to say so. 這樣說並非完全沒有緣由。
- Improved or updated packaging, a larger size or a lower price) are readily discernible to consumers without being wastefully extravagant. 比如我們常在超市看到的加量1/5,聽起來一般都比節省幾分錢更順耳。但實質是一樣的。
- It is preferable to consume it immediately. 最好馬上就吃掉。
- Nothing is to be done without reason. 人無理性,一事無成。
- To be sure, I wanted to present the mirror of consumption to consumers without any moral overlay or overview, and by that to dislocate their sense of priorities in art. 當然,我想為消費者提供能真實反映消費的鏡子,不帶任何道德色彩或觀點,通過這麼做,打亂他們對藝術主次輕重問題的判斷。
- We must try our best to consume enemy effectives. 我們必須儘力消耗敵人的有生力量.
- Allow that emotion to consume you. 讓這種情緒吞噬你。
- Some RIAs need to consume real-time datafeeds. 有的 RIA 需要消耗實時數據供給。
- Fire has to consume to give off its light. 不得不靠火來發光。
- The boss gave John a week's warning without reason. 老闆毫無理由地通知約翰一個星期後離職。
- Dismiss a worker without reason is against the law. 無故解僱一個工人是違反法律的。
- Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control. 沒有理智容易變成不受約束。
- Underwater there is no air for a combustion engine to consume. 在水下根本沒有空氣可以供內燃機使用。
- Carl hates me; he always attacks me without reason. 卡爾討厭我,他總是無緣無故地指責我。