- Timothy was Sam's brother. 蒂姆斯是山姆的弟弟。
- He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他說他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- He said that his friend's name was Sam . 他說他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- He said (that) his name was Sam. 他說他叫薩姆。
- He said that his friend's name was Sam. 他說他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- Bruce』s brother Robert is a famous pop star. 布魯斯的哥哥羅伯特是一個著名的通俗歌星。
- That should be Sam and his mother. 那準是Sam和他的母親。
- Kayla』s brother and sister are brought to the circus in New York. 楞是到吃完飯沒人再講話。。。
- Jeremiah and Timothy were too young. 耶利米和提摩太都是太年少。
- For example,the address of Sam's computer could be Sam,or a number. 例如Sam的計算機地址可以是Sam或一個數字。
- Things really get hot when Nuova s brother, Eis Shenron, joins in the fray! 當四星龍的哥哥三星龍加入打鬥時事情更加激烈起來!
- Timothy was disillusioned to find that all the heroes of his youth had feeofclay. 提摩西發現他年輕時所崇拜的人物有不可告人之事後大為失。
- The owner' s brother has been in practical control of the firm for years. 業主的弟弟實際控制該商行已有多年.
- Timothy was a man bathed in his own greatness.He stood in front of people, drinking in their adulation. 提摩太是一個沉浸於自我卓越當中的人,他站於人前,沉醉於他們的諂媚奉承。
- When were Sam and Peney at the stationer's? 薩姆和彭妮什麼時候去文具店?
- Paul Silas: Fallout with Paxson"s brother Jim in Cleveland doesn"t bode well. 騎士隊今年的帶罪羊;被Paxson 兄弟JIM在騎士隊開除.
- For example, the address of Sam's computer could be Sam, or a number. 例如sam的計算機地址可以是sam或一個數字。
- Margaret and Timothy are at the art gallery. They are looking at the exhibits. 瑪格麗特和提摩西在畫廊里。他們正在觀賞展覽。
- ML's brother Gene was still furious over the local legend that in the War between the state Sherman had marched his troops through this cemetery. 當地有個傳說,在內戰時期,謝爾曼曾讓他的軍隊行軍穿過這個墓地,曼梯·里的兄弟吉恩還在為傳說中的事而惱火。
- Al-Drifa』 s brother joined the Alliance forces to carry on a heroic and merciless fight against the Dragons. 艾爾德利法的兄弟參加了聯盟軍隊,開始了反擊巨龍的英勇而殘酷的戰鬥。