- John:Sick of people who don『『t appreciate their blessings. Sick of those who scoff at the suffering of others. 約翰:我厭惡不感恩的人,我厭惡嘲笑別人遭遇的人。
- Evidence shows that users with water meters use 40% less water than those who don』t,」 says Mr Davin. 根據調查,相較於一般使用者,採用水表的用戶能減少40%25的用水量。
- To those who don』t want to take the time to extract them, I side with Marie Antoinette and say: 『Let them drink water where the caps are terrific. 這些誰不想花時間來提取他們,我一邊與瑪麗王后說: '讓他們喝水的帽子是了不起的。
- If all the human beings are lapelled with love, there are four brands that concerns you: THOSE WHO YOU LOVE, THOSE WHO DON"T LOVE YOU, THOSE YOU LOVE and THOSE WHO YOU DON"T LOVE. 如果要用愛來定義和劃分世人的話,共有四類與你有關的人:愛你的人、不愛你的人、你愛的人和你不愛的人。
- Those who don』t believe in the idea Trekking Pole TRICHLOROISOCYANURIC ACID TRICHLOROISOCYANURIC ACID (TCCA) are often heard saying,「if only this truly worked」. 不相信這一觀點的人都會說「要是真的就好了」。好吧,為了回答這些人的疑問,科學家做了許多實驗,測試當人們只能穿一種顏色的衣服時情緒會有什麼變化。
- Others don』t.Prejudicing against those who don』t is an arrogant act designed to entrench a position of perceived superiority by denying others access to knowledge. Some people have the luxury to choose which language they use to acquire knowledge (我個人從大一開始就再也沒讀過中文的生物方面東西了).
- John:Sick of people who don appreciate their blessings. Sick of those who scoff at the suffering of others. 約翰:我厭惡不感恩的人,我厭惡嘲笑別人遭遇的人。
- Several recent studies have reported that moderate drinkers, those who have one or two drinks per day, are than people who don. 最近有幾項研究表明,適量的飲酒者即每天喝一到兩杯者比那些滴酒不沾者患心臟病的幾率要小。
- Usually people don' t respect those who are too compliant. 一般來說人們看不起那種唯命是從,唯唯諾諾的人。
- Successful are those who are willing to take pains. 成功的人都是那些肯努力的人。
- Those who take long views are broad-minded. 目光遠大的人便也心胸開闊。
- Those who disobey must be punished by law. 違法分子必須受到法律的懲罰。
- Hands up all those who'd like an ice cream! 喜歡吃冰淇淋的人舉手!
- Fortune favours those who use their judgment. [諺]智才天助。
- There is a tablet in memory of those who died. 那兒有一塊碑紀念死去的人。
- All those who were captured were sold into slavery. 所有被抓獲的人都被賣去當奴隸。
- Only ones who don』t know how to behave properly in lectures would rate Liston low. 目前仍然是萬里長征第一步,接下去幾個環節我真的一點頭緒都沒有。
- Those who were penitent obtained absolution. 悔過者獲得了赦免。
- Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 違法者要受到法律制裁。
- God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。