- A new study suggests the laid-back lifestyle of some in a colony actually helps the queen mole rat spread her genes. 一項新的研究認為:生活於這個族群中,一些鼴鼠的懶散生活方式卻能真正地幫助鼴鼠皇後傳播她的基因。
- Why does the Bullfrog dig a trench to bring life-saving water to his tadpoles, while the Mole Rat expects his young to guard him with their lives? 相對地,河馬爸爸就粗心大意得多,牠們甚至會不小心地踐踏死自己的子女,也不動容。
- The naked mole rat goes by many names, including the potentially misleading 「sand puppy」 which might imply that these voracious diggers are cute and friendly fellows. 裸鼴鼠有許多名字,包括可能使人產生誤解的「沙狗」。但這些名字說明這些貪婪的挖掘工是一種可愛的友好的動物。
- Mole rats are giant rodents who just love to sink their teeth into your flesh. 摩爾鼠是一種巨型嚙齒類動物,它總愛讓它的牙齒陷入你的肉中。
- small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas 沙漠地區的非洲小鼴鼠,幾乎無毛
- Eusocial colonies are common among insects such as bees and ants, but the only examples in the mammal world are among furry and the naked mole rats. 群居的族群現象在如蜜蜂和螞蟻等昆蟲世界中很常見,但在哺乳動物中,只有毛鼴鼠和裸鼴鼠會是這樣。
- As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless, bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers. 裸鼴鼠看上去似乎象它的外表一樣脆弱,研究員目前發現這種無毛獠牙嚙齒目動物對酸和辣椒的刺激刀槍不入的。
- While the giant mole rats found on the West Coast are mostly covered with fur, the ones from the East Coast are not, possibly being mutations of different species. 而在西海岸發現的巨型摩爾鼠大多覆蓋著毛皮,而東海岸的則並非如此,可能是不同物種的基因突變。
- colonial mole_rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat. 產於西非的群居鼴鼠;與裸鼴鼠形似。
- Liverpool's defender is tackling Thomas. 利物浦隊的防守正在攔截托馬斯。
- small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas. 沙漠地區的非洲小鼴鼠,幾乎無毛。
- Hello? My name 's Thomas Prior . 喂? 我的名字叫托馬斯普賴爾。
- colonial mole_rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat 產於西非的群居鼴鼠;與裸鼴鼠形似
- Liverpool 's defender is tackling Thomas. 利物浦隊的防守正在攔截托馬斯。
- Aglion,Pierre Andrieux,Thomas S. 製片:Michael D.
- Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. 湯瑪斯嘗了那葡萄酒後做了個鬼臉。
- The mole, s, mouse』s and moose』s math is worse. 晏鼠,騾子,老鼠和麋鹿的數學越來越差。
- The mole, s, mouse's and moose's math is worse. 晏鼠,騾子,老鼠和麋鹿的數學越來越差。
- Sexual maturity and litter size in short-tailed mole rat Nesokia indica 印度地鼠的性成熟和窩仔數
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。