- The posture of kneeling is always rattled me. 一個人跪下去的姿勢總讓我心慌。
- The posture of sitting should be good. 坐的姿勢要端正。
- What passengers care about is the attitude of attendants, rather than the posture of attendants, so squatting or standing does not matter. 乘客在乎的是乘務員的態度,而不是究竟採取哪種姿勢,蹲或站其實並不重要。
- Let the Church take the posture of united prayer and supplication. 願教會顯出合一的禱告與祈求。
- The act or posture of bending low or crouching. 下蹲,蹲伏下蹲或蹲伏的動作或姿勢
- She trippingly flies between the heaven and the earth, by the posture of an angel. 它翩躚於天地之間,以天使的姿態!
- Such existence makes the posture of a peculiar marginalisation of its and rebellious expression represent to everybody. 這樣的存在使其本身特有的一種邊緣化的姿態和叛逆的表情展現給大家。
- This is the posture of fortune's slave: one foot in the gravy, one foot in the grave. 勃然大怒並不難--每個人都可以--難的是發泄怒氣時找准對象,把握分寸和時機,明確目的並採取恰當的方式。
- It will affect the global strategy of the United Stated,the posture of US-Soviet rivalry and interna... 它將對美國的全球戰略、美蘇爭奪的態勢以及整個國際關係產生一定影響。
- The posture of your interface dictates many important guidelines for the rest of the design, but posture is not simply a black-and-white issue. 產品界面的姿態主導剩下設計部分的許多重要原則,但是姿態也並非是黑白分明並清晰可辨的。
- I never learned the trick of standing on my head. 我沒有學過頭著地倒立的技藝。
- White underwear, be just as the chasteness like the bride divine, the posture of bridal abundant charm is in bud below its set off. 白色內衣,如同新娘般的純潔神聖,新娘丰韻的體態在其映襯下含苞待放。
- In this context,I want to say that I have always admired the posture of West Point graduates,a posture that projects man in proud,disciplined control of his body. 這裡我想說我一直都很佩服西點畢業生的身姿,這種身姿使人因此能夠自信、自律自己的身體而顯得出眾。
- In cases like this, it is worthwhile both to define the predominant posture for a product as a whole and to consider the posture of individual features and usage contexts. 這樣的情況下,應該考慮產品作為一個整體的主導姿態,以及其他功能和其他使用情境下的其他姿態。
- It was greatly surprising to Tom that ladies of standing in society, often of rank and fashion, should condescend to utter sentiments couched in the language of the fish market. 使湯姆十分驚訝的是,社會地位很高的、有時還是貴族社會和上流社會的貴婦們,怎麼會自貶身價,用下流粗話來發泄感情。
- In this context, I want to say that I have always admired the posture of West Point graduates, a posture that projects man in proud, disciplined control of his body. 這裡我想說我一直都很佩服西點畢業生的身姿,這種身姿使人因此能夠自信、自律自己的身體而顯得出眾。
- By the observation of sturdiness, weakness, obesity or emaciation as well as the posture of the movement and stillness, different kinds of diseases may he found out. 通過對神的觀察,醫生可以了解正氣的充足與否,分析疾病的嚴重程度和預測疾病的預后。
- He wants to realize the posture of exceeding realizing life and dispels painfulness of the Confucian person "that the scholar has no way to be in the political circal. 詞人慾在審美境界中實現生命的超越之姿,消解「士無以仕」的儒者之痛。
- The posture of holding the sample tea cup artistically is to hold the cup edge gently with your thumb and forefinger, and hold cup bottom with the middle finger. 三龍護鼎:藝術上端品茗杯的姿勢,是拇指與食指輕扶杯沿,中指頂住杯底。
- His posture of handstand is very beautiful. 他的倒立動作很漂亮。