- Eucalyptus leaves Zhiduoweixiang contains eucalyptus and water fennel terpene brain therefore koala who always exudes a kind of Fu Yu Hsiang smell of eucalyptus leaves. 桉葉汁多味香,含有桉樹腦和水茴香萜,因此,樹袋熊的身上總是散發著一種馥郁清香的桉葉香味。
- Qun Fu; Teng Yu; Zongzhi Yang; et aJ. Department of Ophthalmology; Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College; Henan 453000; China; 中國河南省新鄉醫學院第三附屬醫院眼科;453000;
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]擔任這項工作。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志會給你們說明這件事的。
- At first Hsiang Yu captured Hsingyang and Chengkao and Liu Pang's troops were almost routed. 當時項羽接連攻下滎陽、成皋,劉邦幾乎潰不成軍。
- My grandfather got married in 1921. 我祖父是一九二一年結婚的。
- Academy of the Science: Ulan Bator; f. 1921. 科學院:在烏蘭巴托;1921年成立。
- Teresa Teng is one of her idols. 鄧麗君是她的偶像之一。
- The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921. 中國共產黨創建於1921年。
- The Chia Hsiang art Printing Flow introduces. 嘉祥美術印刷製程介紹。
- Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. 1921年愛因斯坦曾榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎金。
- The Chia Hsiang art printing company MAP. 嘉祥美術印刷公司的MAP地圖。
- The picture was acquired by bequest in 1921. 這幅畫是在1921年通過遺贈獲得的。
- The child love to collect the colorful Hsiang Bao. 小孩喜愛搜集鮮艷的香包。
- Are they Bao Teng of Yan Tai, Leng Yan Ju master? 冷艷鋸前輩發的就是煙台的寶騰嗎?
- He won the Nobel prize for Physics in 1921. 一九二一年他獲得了諾貝爾物理學獎金。
- The Chia Hsiang art printing company introduces. 嘉祥美術印刷公司介紹。
- So said Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping. 這是鄧小平同志講的。
- In 1921 they were transported to Australia. 他們被放逐到澳洲。
- Beijing Hua Teng Jia He Plastic Extruder Ltd. 北京華騰佳和塑膠擠出機有限公司。