- As for Tao Hong, just like I said before, she is a very hardworking and attentive actress, she spent a lot of time studying and analyzing the script. 她說有,那她又哭多幾次,她是一個相當好的演員。至於陶紅,她會很努力,花很多時間在劇本,很專心的一個演員。
- Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不論你到哪裡,記住你是中國人。
- Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 這附近是否有中國餐廳?
- He speaks English with a Chinese accent. 他講英語帶有漢語口音。
- She learned English from a Chinese teacher. 她向一個中國教員學習英語。
- My father is a Dutchman and my mother is a Chinese. 我父親是荷蘭人而我母親是中國人。
- So say Hong Kong media, which just love to bash Zhang Ziyi _ the movie world's hottest young Chinese actress. 這就是香港媒體對影壇炙手可熱的中國大陸年青女演員章子怡的抨擊.
- We lunched in a Chinese restaurant. 我們在一家中餐館吃了午餐。
- A Chinese wall of the mind and emotions separates us from the film. 難以逾越的意向與感情上的障礙使我們與這部影片格格不入。
- The American educational system is a Chinese puzzle to most of the foreigners. 對大多數外國人來說,美國的教育制度是一種複雜難懂的東西。
- She is a Chinese grocer's daughter. 她是個華裔食品雜貨商的女兒。
- Methods: 45 cases of patients with DVT were intravenously injected with Danshen injection and low molecular dextran,took modified Tao Hong Si Wu decoction. 方法45例下肢DVT患者,採用靜點丹參注射液、低分子右旋糖酐等,口服中藥桃紅四物湯加減及配合按摩、穿逐級加壓彈力襪進行肌肉、關節的功能鍛煉。
- Pei Zheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中學是一所華文學校。
- In July, 2008 Nevo confirmed long-running rumors of an engagement to Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi. 經過長期的地下戀情后,尼沃在2008年7月和中國女演員章子怡訂婚。
- She is a charm Chinese actress with eight unique "pretty genius" but frequently misconceived by other people . 她, 八個"小精靈"附體的華裔電影人;她, 充滿魅力卻經常被他人誤讀的普通女人。
- He can be regarded very easily a Chinese. 他可以很容易地看作是個中國人。
- How right you are, Tao Hong. 對極了,陶紅。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中學是一所華文學校。
- Each of them lives with a Chinese host family. 這些學生住在中國的接待家庭中。
- The 30-year-old Chinese actress plays a comic book artist who schemes to get her fiance back after losing him to an actress. 30歲的章子怡在劇中飾演一位感情生活受挫的漫畫家,使盡手段要將未婚夫從一位女演員手中搶回來。