- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中國的詩歌在唐代十分盛行。
- The Tang dynasty is thought of as the high summer of Chinese poetry. 人們認為唐朝是中國詩歌的全盛時期。
- The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry. 唐朝是中國古詩的極盛時期。
- The tang dynasty is think of as the high summer of chinese poetry. 人們認為唐朝是中國詩歌的全盛時期。
- The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry. 唐朝是詩的黃金時代。
- The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. 唐朝是一段以開明著稱的時期。
- This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty. 這個風俗可追溯到唐朝。
- Liu Yan is a famous financier in Tang Dynasty. 摘要劉晏是唐代著名的理財家。
- This handicraft dates from the Tang Dynasty. 這種手工藝始於唐朝。
- The humble scholar life style of Tang Dynasty's literator has a strong impact on the creation of Tang Dynasty's poetry. 以寒士為主體的唐代文人生活方式,對唐代詩歌創作產生了直接的影響。
- The paper explicates the aesthetic quality and features of the poetry about the frontier fortress in the Tang Dynasty. 摘要本文論述了盛唐邊塞詩歌所具有的美學品格。
- The Zhengshi poetry is mainly Ji Kang and the Ruan Ji"s poetry. 第二部分:正始詩歌的遷逝主題。
- He found by accident a scroll of a Collection of the Poetry of the Tang Dynasty in a secondhand book market. 他在舊書市偶然淘到一部捲軸裝的《唐詩選》。
- Li Bai, the God of poetry, is the most famous poet in Tang Dynasty and a genius gestated by prosperous Tang culture. 例句「詩仙」李白是唐代最著名的詩人,是盛唐文化孕育出來的天才。
- The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world. 清代杜詩註疏契合了考鏡源流、經世致用的學術背景,反映了當時知識分子的精神寄託。
- After Anshi Insurgence in Tang Dynasty,the creation of Chinese poetry entered its valley. 「安史之亂」后,唐詩創作進入到一個相對沉寂的時期。
- Portrait painting boomed in the Tang Dynasty. 唐代是人物畫非常繁盛的時代。
- The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital. 唐代建都長安。
- Fourth chapter, the Sea bathing activity in Qiantang River, including its cultural explanation, description and reposing in the two Song Dynasty』s poetry. 第四章,錢塘江弄潮活動,其中包括錢塘江弄潮活動的文化闡釋,亦包括兩宋詩詞中錢塘江弄潮活動的描寫以及寄託。
- The Tang Dynasty made Chang'as its capital. 唐代建都長安。