- Tanaka回歸模型Tanaka regression model
- Mori-Tanaka方法Mori-Tanaka method
- Tanaka-Meyer公式Tanaka-Meyer formula
- 1931 年金本位制的廢除the ending of the gold standard in 1931
- 美國發明家(1847-1931)。American inventor (1847-1931).
- 樓房管理員Tanaka先生幫了大忙。Mr. Tanaka, the superintendent, was very helpful.
- 接: TANAKA(田中)小姐在等你講話了。Miss Tanaka is on the line.
- 那裡在秋天的1931個兩重新開始了他的宋手冊的較早研究。There in the autumn of 1931 Liang resumed his earlier study of the Sung manual.
- 伊: 我要接TANAKA(田中)小姐。T-A-N-A-K-A。I want to talk to Miss Tanaka, T-A-N-A-K-A.
- 傳奇發明家托馬斯·愛迪生死1931.10.18,享年84歲。Legendary inventor Thomas Alva Edison died on October 18, 1931, at the age of 84.
- 快點來聽!黑夜中孩子的聲音是他們締造的美妙音樂。(《吸血鬼》1931)Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.
- der (1985),Guy Cook (1992),Tanaka Keico (1994),Angela Goddard (1998) 和黃國文 (2001)。der (1985), Guy Cook (1992), Tanaka Keico (1994), Angela Goddard (1998) and Huang Guowen (2001).
- 編導:李仲林(1933--)、黃伯壽(1931--)作曲:張肖虎,首演者:中央實驗歌劇院舞劇團,The choreographers: Li Zhonglin [1933- ] and Huang Boshou [1931- ];composer: Zhang Xiaohu;premiere staff: the dance troupe of the Central Experimental Opera Troupe;
- 霞飛,約瑟夫 雅克 塞澤爾1852-1931法國野戰軍團元帥,在第一次世界大戰中他指揮在法國的盟軍French field marshal who commanded the Allied armies in France during World War I.
- Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), Tanaka Keico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) 周怡 & 周曉 (1998) , 黃國文(2001) 等等.Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), TanakaKeico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) Zhou Yi & Zhou Xiao (1998) , Huang Guowen(2001)and so on.
- 在歐洲近現代小提琴藝術發展史中,歐仁·伊薩依(Eugene Ysaye,1858-1931)佔據著特殊的地位。In the European art history near of modern violin, (Eugene Ysaye, 1858-1931) is occupying the special status.
- 採用二元系Miedema生成熱模型及其Tanaka過剩熵修正和三元系Chou幾何模型 ,分析了稀土元素La與Sn Pb軟釺料合金體系中組元元素的相互作用關係。By means of the Miedema formation energy model for binary system with the Tanaka modification by excess entropy and the Chou geometric model for ternary system, the interaction relation between rare earth element La and the constituent elements of Sn Pb alloy system was analyzed.
- 歐仁·伊薩依(Eugene Ysaye,1858-1931)是歐洲近現代小提琴藝術史上一位重要的演奏家和作曲家。Eugene Ysaye (1858-1931) is an important performer and accomplished composer in European violin art history in modern times.
- 艾黎,小阿爾文1931-1989美國舞蹈編排家,其作品綜合了現代舞、芭蕾舞、爵士舞和非洲原始舞的風格American choreographer whose works combine the styles of modern dance,ballet,jazz,and African ethnic dance.
- 霞飛,約瑟夫·雅克·塞澤爾1852-1931法國野戰軍團元帥,在第一次世界大戰中他指揮在法國的盟軍。French field marshal who commanded the Allied armies in France during World War I.