- The heritages of Historiography left behind by Tacitus and Bangu are rish and thick. 塔西佗和班固都為後世留下了豐厚的史學遺產。
- Generally speaking, Tacitus' historiography contains three narrative arrangements, scilicet macro view, middle view and micro view. 摘要塔西佗史學大致涵蓋宏觀、中觀和微觀等三個敘事層次。
- Tacitus was the greatest historian in Ancient Rome. 塔西陀是古羅馬最偉大的歷史學家。
- Tacitus are carving doors and windows. 塔西有門窗雕飾。
- Juvenal and Tacitus alone grumble at it. 只有尤維納利斯和塔西佗在這方面表示過憤慨。
- The ways and means of Tacitus' historiography took on a distinct continuity and gradualness.In that, some narrative techniques kept on working and impenetrating the whole career of Tacitus' writing. 堪西佗的史學方法呈現出明顯的連續性和漸進性,某些早先已較為成熟的敘事策略繼續獲得應用並貫穿於其整個著述實踐。
- ACCORDING to Tacitus, the Germans were a very numerous people. 據塔西佗說,德意志人是人口眾多的民族。
- Mordern standards of historiography are, of course, lacking. 當然,書中缺乏現代編史工作標準。
- We infer this from three facts mentioned by Tacitus. 我們是根據塔西佗所提到的如下三種情況而得出這個結論的。
- Recover the Tacitus from the mutants, I will not be denied! 從變異人那裡奪回塔西佗,我是不可拒絕的!
- Locate the Tacitus, soldier, or I will bury your team in that hole. 斯拉維克:找到塔西佗,士兵!不然我會把你整隊人埋葬在那坑裡面。
- Mutants have stolen the Tacitus from me, I require it's return! 變異人從我這裡偷走了塔西佗,我要求歸還!
- The third chapter discusses Tacitus』 historical view on kismet. 第三章在歷史觀的層面上,探討塔西佗的天命觀。
- Marxist historiography has stood Marxism on its head. 馬克思主義的歷史書寫站在馬克思主義立場上顛倒是非。
- Abstract: The music historiography is a branch of musicology. 內容提要: 音樂史學是音樂學的一個分支學科。
- Title: Historiography: A Discipline of the Natural Sciences? 關鍵詞:歷史學;自然科學;人文學科;藝術
- CABAL: The Tacitus is necesarry, the extermination of Tratos was necesarry. 塔西佗是必須的,消滅特拉托斯是必須的。
- Chapter one deals with the Roman historiography before Caesar mainly. 第一章主要敘述了凱撒之前的羅馬史學,包括希臘史學對羅馬史學的影響及羅馬史學興起的原因;
- Once again, historiography provides the best illustration for all this. 歷史編纂再一次為所有這些提供了最好的解釋。
- How does it relate to what you have encountered in Tacitus, Suetonius, the Res Gestae? 它怎樣和你念過的蘇埃托尼烏斯、塔西佗、《功績》的記述有聯繫?