- The nuclear-powered submarine force,which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission,is under the direct command of the CMC. 擔負戰略核反擊任務的核動力潛艇部隊,直接由中央軍委指揮。
- The submarine force is composed both of conventional and nuclear-powered units, with underwater attack and some nuclear counterattack capabilities respectively. 潛艇部隊編有常規動力潛艇部隊和核動力潛艇部隊,具有水下攻擊和一定的核反擊能力。
- The nuclear-powered submarine force, which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission, is under the direct command of the CMC. 擔負戰略核反擊任務的核動力潛艇部隊,直接由中央軍委指揮。
- Navy and its submarine force, as any country with air-independent-propulsion (AIP) diesel subs will be able to operate far in under the ice cover. 「颱風」是俄羅斯海軍第四代核動力彈道導彈潛艇,是冷戰時期前蘇聯海上戰略核力量的顛峰之作。
- The submarine force is composed both of conventional and nuclear-powered units,with underwater attack and some nuclear counterattack capabilities respectively. 潛艇部隊編有常規動力潛艇部隊和核動力潛艇部隊,具有水下攻擊和一定的核反擊能力。
- From 1949 to 1955 it set up the surface ship force, coastal defense force, aviation, submarine force and Marine Corps, and established the objective of building a light maritime combat force. 1949年至1955年,先後組建水面艦艇部隊、岸防兵、航空兵、潛艇部隊和陸戰隊,確立了建設一支輕型海上作戰力量的目標。
- The elite portion of the submarine force is its nuclear powered ships. Submarines are officially 「ships「 in the PLAN, rather than 「boats「 as in other navies. 這裡作者認為中國官方把潛艇不當艇,而當艦,是對潛艇的高度重視。
- Atlantic Fleet Submarine Force Exercise 大西洋艦隊潛艇部隊演習
- Submarine Force Eastern Atlantic 東大西洋潛艇部隊
- The submarine was attached to the Pacific Fleet. 這艘潛艇暫派到太平洋艦隊執行任務。
- ballistic missile submarine force 彈道導彈潛艇部隊
- conventional-powered submarine force 常規動力潛透部隊
- The submarine was attached to the Pacific Fleet . 這艘潛艇暫派到太平洋艦隊執行任務。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他們正在建設一條海底電纜隧道。
- This destroyer can overrun any submarine. 這艘驅逐艦的速度比任何潛水艇都快。
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潛水艇毀壞的。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 這艘船是被一艘核潛艇擊沉的。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 試圖用暴力消除異端邪說是徒勞的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破崙攻無不克靠的是堅強的意志。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他們拒不向武力低頭。