- All the extras were people in the town.It was a strange and unusual experience for them. 電影里的群眾演員都是當地人,對他們來說這次經歷是奇怪的,不尋常的。
- Every day acts like a madman silly smiles, all sorts of strange and unusual train of thought, one suppression without stopping heart, estimates very difficult to have the mature performance. 每天瘋瘋癲癲的傻笑,千奇百怪的思緒,一顆抑制不住的心,估計很難有成熟的表現吧。
- Everybody disguises with Jim and Lever hopes doctor to seek the treasure together,In navigation process,Has filled the untold hardships and all sorts of strange and unusual matter. 大伙兒假裝跟著吉姆和利弗希醫生一起去尋寶,航海的過程中,充滿了千辛萬苦和千奇百怪的事。
- Everybody disguises with Jim and 利弗 hopes doctor to seek the treasure together, in the navigation process, has filled the untold hardships and all sorts of strange and unusual matter. 大夥兒假裝跟著吉姆和利弗希醫生一起去尋寶,航海的過程中,充滿了千辛萬苦和千奇百怪的事。
- The dweller says, internet bar boss is set in periphery " nail " stand sentry, see have stranger and unusual move, can tip off information ahead of schedule. 有居民稱,網吧老闆在周邊設有「釘子」放哨,看到有陌生人和異常行動,就會提前通風報信。
- Something new and unusual; an innovation. 新的和不平常的事物
- I had my own strange and separate road. 我有自己奇怪的獨特的路。
- Unnaturally strange and frightening; eerie. 奇異的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪異的
- To him,that was a strange and fascinating society. 在他看來,這是一個陌生但又令人入迷的社會。
- Her voice had a strange and thrilling resonance. 她的聲音洪亮,有一種奇特的震撼人心的效果。
- Strange and ironic that it will end the same way. 奇怪而且諷刺的是會以同樣的方式結束。
- Our dog rushed upon the stranger and bit his leg. 我們的狗沖向那陌生人,咬了他的腿。
- Suddenly, the world seemed strange and beautiful. 突然,這世界好象變得又奇妙又美麗。
- The fruit of such a plant, often of irregular and unusual shape. 瓠果一種葫蘆科的果實,通常具有不規則,不常見的形狀
- The climate also seemed to her strange and humid. 氣候也是那樣的怪異,潮濕。
- The result is a wide-spread brightness and unusual luminescence. 結果就會帶來更加寬廣的亮度和非比尋常的冷光.
- You behave so strange and so unpredictable. 你表現得如此難以琢磨。
- Tell myself to be strange and facing it. 告訴自己堅強面對。
- What strange and doleful singing! 它竟發出了如此奇異而陰鬱的歌聲!
- Unnaturally strange and frightening;eerie. 奇異的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪異的