- 最後小布希輸了,結果是47%對53%。Finally,Bush lost,47%25 to 53%25 .
- 湘椒53Xiangjiao 53
- 濮53塊Pu-53 Block
- 皖麥53wanmai 53
- p~(53)p~(53)
- 丹玉53號Danyu No. 53
- 社會因素剖宮產53例臨床分析Clinic analysis of caesarean delivery caused by social factors in 53 cases
- 大隱靜脈曲張刨吸術53例報告Treatment of varicose greater saphenous vein with transilluminated powered phlebectomy: A report of 53 cases
- 相同工況下,原發動機效率為21%~23%,新發動機效率為32%~53%。For the same conditions, the thermal efficiency of the original arcjet was from 21%25 to 32%25, where the thermal efficiency of the new arcjet was from 32%25 to 52%25.
- 53屆衝擊與振動會議53Rd Shock and Vibration Symposium
- 1.53/am波段熒光1.53 um fluorescence
- 平均頻度為53.8%;in Engl. (Euphorbiaceae). The frequency of AMF species ranged from 26.9%25 to 100%25,with an average of 53.8%25;
- 連稅在內總額29.53英鎊.total 29.53 incl tax
- 53他有一條新褲子。He has a pair of new trousers .
- 威廉·福克納53歲獲諾貝爾文學獎。William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature when he was fifty-three.
- 頜面部狗咬傷急診治療53例臨床分析Retrospective analysis of emergency treatment on 53 cases with oral and maxillofacial dog bite
- 域名註冊數每年增長53%以上Subscriptions for domain names are growing by more than 53 percent annually
- 趙53井泡沫水泥漿固井技術Foam Slurry Cementing Techniques in Zhao 53 Well
- 雲南省昭通市環城西路53號53, Western Round The City Road, Zhaotong Tel