- study on high level longhole mining metod and equipment" was one of the key projects to be tackled in science and technology during China's Seventh Five Year Plan period. 「高階段深孔採礦法和裝備的研究」課題是國家「七五」重大科技攻關項目。
- He is helping the coach ready for the five year plan of our team. 幫助教練給我們隊擬定一個五年計劃。
- Prospect of Energy Industry in "Tenth Five Year Plan" Period. 我國能源工業「十五」展望。
- This paper comprehensively introduces energy-saving situation of Martinfurnace at WISC from the seventh five year native planning and meanwhile discusses the approaches to save energy for Martin... 本文綜合介紹了武鋼平爐"七五"以來的節能情況,同時對平爐節能的途徑進行了探討。
- The steady, rapid and efficient growth during the eighth Five Year Plan period has laid down a solid foundation for further development and suc... 在「八五」期間保持持續、高速、高效發展勢頭的基礎上,為「九五」期間實現更大的發展奠定了堅實的基礎。
- In the current Russian Five Year Plan,great emphasis is laid on improving the living conditions of the Russian people. In short,it comes down to: fewer missiles,more butter. 在俄羅斯當前的五年計劃中,重點放在改善人民的生活條件上。簡言之,就是少要導彈,多要黃油。
- In the current Russian Five Year Plan, great emphasis is laid on improving the living conditions of the Russian people. In short, it comes down to: fewer missiles, more butter. 在俄羅斯當前的五年計劃中,重點放在改善人民的生活條件上。簡言之,就是少要導彈,多要黃油。
- The main factors of ambient air monitoring in Xuchang City were SO 2,NO X,total suspended particulate (TSP),dustfall and sulfation rate during the 9 th Five Year Plan. 「九五」期間,許昌市環境空氣監測主要因子有二氧化硫、氮氧化物、總懸浮顆粒物、降塵和硫酸鹽化速率。
- The Macro-economic figures tell part of the story: China's average annual real GNP growth over the five year plan which ended last year was a healthy 10%. 宏觀經濟數字能部分地說明問題:在去年結束的五年計劃中,中國的國民生產總值年均實際增長率高達10%25,這個增長速度是健康的。
- Infrastructure investment is a key element in China's Tenth Five Year Plan, with focus on the road, railway, ports and airports, power and oil and gas sector. 基礎設施投資是中國"十五"計劃中的一個重點,投資集中在公路、鐵路、港口、機場、電力、石油和天然氣設施等方面。
- To consider every possible angle to make scientific planning. Targets, initiatives and policies must be brought into "Tenth Five Year Plan for National Economy and Social Development". 五是堅持通盤考慮,科學規劃,把實施西部大開發的目標、步驟和政策措施,納入全國國民經濟和社會發展「十五」計劃。
- According to development plan of gold industry in the period of ninth Five Year Plan in Zhaoyuan City,the analyses of the situation of gold resources and problems existed are made. 文中根據招遠市「九五」黃金工業發展規劃,分析了黃金資源形勢及存在問題,闡述了實施「30100工程」、開創礦山探礦增儲新局面及提高生產經濟效益的相關措施。
- The research subjects are the preschool teachers who joined continuing education of "the tenth five years plan" in Haidian District on modern information technology training. 本文主要採用了行動研究,研究對象是參加海淀區「十五」繼續教育現代信息技術培訓的幼兒教師。
- the State's Tenth Five year plan 「十五」計劃
- I have five year's experience of office work. 我有五年從事辦公室工作的經驗。
- This paper focuses on the issue which is the key component of Processing Technology and Robotized Equipment Research of Assembled Camshaft that is the key item of 『the tenth five years plan』. 本文內容是國家「十五」攻關項目「裝配式凸輪軸加工技術與自動化裝備開發」(2003BA213C)重要組成部分。
- The seventh five year period 八五時期
- I bowed out five years ago when I was sixty. 5年前,當我60歲時就退休了。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那種汽車已經停產五年了。
- We will go next year plan surely. 我們將定出明年的計劃。