San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. 「舊金山,敞開你的金門吧!」劇院里的那位歌女演唱道。
The Powell structural research lab at the university of California at San Diego tests new bridge materials such as carbon and fiberglass polymers. 位於聖地亞哥的加州大學鮑威爾建築實驗室試製出了新的橋樑建築材料,如碳和玻璃纖維聚合體。
I moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco at the age of thirty. 我在三十歲時從洛杉磯搬到舊金山。
The San Francisco earthquake was one of the worst catastrophes of the century. 舊金山地震是世紀性的災難之一。