- Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world. 你幫我,我幫你——這是舉世皆知的一句諺語。
- Ron: I told her to design an attractive brochure. 朗恩:我叫她設計一份引人注目的簡介。
- The ease and speed of it rather astonished Ron. 事情竟然如此神速且不費吹灰之力,確實讓羅恩大吃一驚。
- Operator (of ka pay phone): Operator. 接線員(付費電話):接線員。
- I stop, and wait that Ka Chekai comes . 我停下來,等著卡車開過來。
- Ron Weasley: She needs to sort out her priorities. 羅恩·斯萊:她還真分不清事情的輕重。
- Welcome to Lo Hong Ka Official Website. 歡迎光臨老行家官方網站。
- Ron kept the bad news to himself. 羅恩沒把壞消息告訴別人。
- Can my this Zhang Ka be at ease use? 我這張卡可以放心使用嗎?
- Ron waited downstairs to drive him to the airport. 羅恩等在樓下,由他開車送戴夫去機
- The dada shows that from 116 ka B.P. 自116 ka B.;P
- Ron's set was very old and battered. 羅恩的那副棋已經很舊了,破破爛爛的。
- I stop, and wait that Ka Chekai comes. 我停下來,等著卡車開過來。
- She's been dating Ron for several months. 她與羅恩談戀愛已有數月。
- Cradduck handed Ron an envelope. 她給了羅恩一個信封。
- Unlike his brother Ka Wing, he wants a simple life. 與他的哥哥不同,他只想要簡簡單單的生活。
- Kentucky steal Ball and Ron Mercen slams for two. 肯塔基隊爭到球,羅恩默塞扣籃得2分。
- Das Radio ka ma nicht mehr reparieren. 這個收音機不能被修好。
- What had the woman assumed about Ron? 第七套聽力試題