- Slowly bring down the head, shoulder and legs in original position. 緩慢放低頭、肩和雙腳回到初始姿勢。
- When roused the ears go above the original position. 當激動時耳朵會高於原來的位置。
- Reassemble the comb and plates just as the original position. 看看上面的那些螺絲釘是不是按照以前的位置都固定好了!
- Allow the sleeve flange to return to its original position. 允許套管法蘭回到它的初始位置。
- Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible. 柔韌的,有彈性的伸長或擴展后容易恢復原狀的; 柔韌的
- Paul: They were very inflexible and just stuck to their original position. 保羅:他們毫不讓步,只是堅持原定立場。
- Should the current be cut, the coil would return to its original position. 如果電流切斷,線圈就返回到原來位置。
- In addition, the taper also affects the original position of the backward flow. 此外,錐度對於迴流的初始發生位置也產生了影響。
- The reform is to correct the system error, and to resume original feature, to make non-circulating stocks to become circulating stocks, to realize the same stock has same price, right and profit. 股權分置改革就是要進行制度糾錯,恢復上市公司、股票和股市的本來面目,使非流通股成為流通股,真正實現同股同價、同股同權、同股同利。
- Close the back cover so that the back cover latch snaps shut and returns t the original position. 關上后蓋,使后蓋鎖迅速關閉,回到原來位置。
- A large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved far from its original position. 移動的岩石被移於遠離原先位置的巨大層狀岩石
- Run in place To go through the movements of running without leaving one's original position. 原地跑:不離原地進行地跑步動作。
- The cursor is restored to its original position after a search and replace operation completes and is not canceled. 游標將在搜索和替換操作完成後還原到原始位置。
- A spring attached to each brake shoe returns it also to its original position, free of the brake drum. 附接在各個制動蹄上的彈簧也將制動蹄拉回原位,不與鼓輪接觸。
- John is hoisted back onto its original position on Notre Dame Gate in Vittoriosa, outside Valletta Monday. 此門建於在一六七五年,是柯頓納大團長在完成一道包圍法勒他東南大港灣一帶城市的防禦工事後增建的。
- The sun moves through the fixed stars on a path called the ecliptic, taking a year to return to its original position . 太陽穿過一些固定的恆星在一條被稱為黃道的軌道上運行,經過一年的時間才回到原來的位置。
- The reputation of the accountant retaliated shall be rehabilitated and his original position and grade be restored. 對受打擊報復的會計人員,應當恢復其名譽和原有職務、級別。
- They will at any price resume their lost child. 他們不惜任何代價找回丟失的孩子。
- In the options market, undoing a conversion or a reversal to restore the option buyer's original position. 在期權市場中取消一個兌換或做一個逆轉恢復到期權購買者初始的位置。
- Please send a detailed resume to our company. 請給我們公司寄一份詳細的簡歷。