- An application form must be completed for any request for deviation from an established Policy and Procedure and be submitted to the Executive giving detail and justification to support the request. 任何需要修改確定的政策和程序的要求必須首先填好申請表,要寫明要求修改的詳細有力的理由,然後交到行政辦。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求贊助卻遭到粗暴拒絕。
- Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好話為要錢的事打開了門路。
- My kind words led up to a request for money. 我說了許多好話才使我借到錢。
- A request for information from another system. 為查看另一系統中的信息而發出的一種請求。
- He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我經過時攔住我向我借錢。
- Her request for help went unheard. 她請求幫助,卻無人理睬。
- Her request for a donation met with a rude repulse. 她要求贊助卻遭到粗暴拒絕。
- He never refuses a request for help; he has a heart of gold. 他從不拒絕別人的求助,他是個好心腸的人。
- Robert never refuses a request for help; he has a heart of gold. 羅伯特從不拒絕別人的求助,他是個心地慈善的人。
- They've made an urgent request for international aid. 他們緊急請求國際援助。
- He came to see me with the invariable request for a loan. 他來見我時又提出了他那一貫的借錢的要求。
- He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。
- He tagged a request for more money on to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。
- His request for reinstatement was disapproved. 他復職的請求未獲准。
- He turned a deaf ear to all requests for help. 他不理會一切求援的呼籲。
- His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill. 他不斷要求我們幫助他,過分利用了我們對他的好意。
- If you read between the lines, this letter is really a request for money. 如果你注意字裡行間的意思,這封信真正的用意是要錢。
- He pigeonholes the request for a new park. 他把開闢新公園的請求擱置起來。
- He pestered her with requests for help. 他纏著她要她幫忙。