- I use an oily rag to clean my bike with. 我用沾滿油污的碎布擦我的自行車。
- He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle. 他把一小塊乾凈的布纏住腳腕。
- He cleaned the car with an oily rag. 他用一塊沾油的抹布擦乾淨汽車。
- There is not a rag to cover him. 他赤身裸體。
- Now let's go back to your first novel, rag doll. 現在我們轉回來談談你的第一部小說——玩具娃娃。
- Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. 她的話惹得他對她暴跳如雷。
- That magazine is a worthless rag. 那份雜誌是沒有價值的一堆廢紙。
- Why do you read that worthless rag? 你為什麼看這種沒有價值的報紙?
- There was not a rag of decency about him. 他絲毫沒有高雅之處。
- What are they chewing the rag about now? 他們現在又在嘟囔些什麼?
- A sequence of RNA produced by transcription. 轉錄一個經轉錄合成的rna的序列
- She washed the floor with a rag. 她用一塊舊布擦地板。
- DNA and RNA are both types of nucleic acid. 脫氧核糖核酸和核糖核酸是兩種類型的核酸。
- She twisted a rag round my hand. 她用一塊破布包住我的手。
- Work in understanding the role of RNA in the cell. 對核糖酸(rna)細胞中作用認識的研究。
- He twisted a rag round his cut finger. 他在割破的手指土纏了一塊破布。
- All RNA phages cause the death of the host cell. 所有的RNA噬菌體導致寄主細胞死亡。
- To subject(messenger RNA) to translation. 轉移使(核糖核酸信息)被轉譯
- Could RNA interfere with prion disease? RNA能否干預普粒子疾病?
- Ford put out that statement to rag us a little. 福特公司的談話把我們嘲弄了一番。