- Put one's thinking cap on. 動腦筋想。
- OK, I'll put my thinking cap on. 好吧,我會仔細想一想。
- He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float. 他擅長布置櫥窗,但他們向他徵求狂歡節彩車時的意見時,他實在得好好考慮一下。
- put one's thinking cap on = put on one's thinking cap ((口語))深思熟慮,仔細考慮
- Before I can give you an answer I'll have to put my thinking cap on. 我必須仔細斟酌后才能給你答覆。
- He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnivalfloat. 他擅長布置櫥窗,但他們向他徵求狂歡節彩車時的意見時,他實在得好好考慮一下。
- You should put on your thinking cap to solve this problem. 你必須仔細考慮一下解決這個問題。
- But if Mr Cameron gets more votes than Mr Brown, the Lib Dems will have to put their thinking caps on. 但是如果卡梅隆比布朗能夠贏得更多的選票,那麼自由民主黨必須要認真考慮(聯合執政的)事情了。
- Put your thinking cap on! 你仔細想一想!
- Put on your thinking cap, please. 請開始認真思考。
- Before I can give them an answer I'll have to put my thinking cap. 在我回答他們之前,我必須好好地思索一下。
- I put one boot on Father Donovan' s chest and held the noose tight. 我一隻腳踩在多諾萬神父的胸上緊緊,手緊緊扯住勒在他脖子上的細線。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言為心聲。
- He's not the sort of man you can put one over on. 他可不是能用花言巧語打動的人。
- Let me put on my thinking cap, sir. When you first told me that you wanted to make a sort of offer to me? Now let me think. 先生,讓我仔細想想, ... 你什麼時候第一次對我說,你有件事跟我商量?讓我想想看。
- Don't try to put one over on me! 你甭想蒙我!
- I put one in every mailbox on the street. 我在街上的每個郵筒里投了一封信。」
- Let me put on my thinking cap, I will tell you tomorrow. 若然是叫別人先考慮一下,可以說。
- I'm afraid he put one over on you. 恐怕他佔了你的便宜。
- I'm going to put one more in, okay? Just hang on. 我再往裡面推進些,好嗎?不會斷哦。