- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公眾輿論反對舊的封建制度。
- Public opinions are divided on this question. 對於這問題, 公眾輿論不一致。
- Public opinion was opposed to the war. 輿論是反對那場戰爭的。
- The mass of public opinion are in favor of the new foreign policy. 大部分的輿論贊成新的外交政策。
- Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公眾輿論正在強烈支持裁軍。
- Numerous channels for public opinion are available now in the 21st century. 現在已是21世紀,表達民意渠道多不勝數。
- Public opinions were seething with indignation. 於是,社會輿論嘩然。
- Public opinion was against the Bill. 輿論反對此法案。
- Public opinion was against the impeachment trial. 公眾輿論反對彈劾審判。
- Public opinions or views are divergent 眾議紛紜
- Public opinion was against the old political system. 公眾輿論反對舊政治制度。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公眾輿論是一致的。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我們將進行民意測驗。
- In the United States, however, public opinion was moving strongly toward the application of an embargo. 不過在美國,輿論激烈地傾向於實施禁運。
- Supervision by public opinion were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight. 有情人終成眷屬輿論監督。
- The public opinion was that the time was not ripe for the election of such a radical candidate as Mr. Jones. 公眾的觀點是,像瓊斯這樣一個激進的候選人的競選,時機是不成熟的。
- Expert opinions are favorable to the project. 專家的意見是贊成這一工程的。
- The most important mass survey of public opinion was carried out by an ice cream company. 最重要的民眾意見調查由一個冰激凌公司實施。
- Her opinions are the direct opposite of mine. 她的意見與我的截然相反。
- The planning of national food safety standards and the implementation plan thereof shall be made with the public opinions being solicited. 制定食品安全國家標準規劃及其實施計劃,應當公開徵求意見。