- He compared her to a summer day. 他將她比為夏天。
- Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 能否把你比做夏日璀璨?
- Share I compare thee to a summer's day? 我怎能把你比作夏日?
- His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown. 他經常抑鬱寡歡,後來精神完全崩潰了。
- That is the prelude to a ruined evening. 那一晚的約會就在這前奏聲中毀了。
- A prelude to a piece of great work. 一件偉大作品的序言。
- Prelude To A Summer's Day 夏日序曲
- Shall I invite her to a summer blowout? 要不要請她來參加夏天的狂歡派對?
- Shall I invite you to a summer blowout? 要不要請你來參加夏天的狂歡派對?
- The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem. 這幾行詩是他那長篇敘事詩的序詩。
- William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 我怎麼能夠把你比作夏天?
- The water start is the prelude to a life of windsurfing. 水起是帆板生涯的起點。
- Shakespeare's Sonnets XVIII:Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? 莎士比亞十四行詩之十八:我可不可以你比和夏天?
- The line form a prelude to his long narrative poem. 這幾行詩是他那長篇敘事詩的序詩。
- His frequent depression is the prelude to a complete mental breakdown. 他經常抑鬱寡歡,後來精神完全崩潰了。
- Shakespeare's Sonnets XVIII: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? 莎士比亞十四行詩之十八:我可不可以你比和夏天?
- The discussions were a prelude to the treaty. 這些討論是簽訂該條約的前奏。
- The Hollywood romance may not be the prelude to a long-term happy marriage. 好萊塢似的浪漫並不一定是長期、幸福的婚姻的序幕。
- No SoG is a game by itself - a prelude to DnL. 不,SoG是一個獨立的遊戲,是DnL的序章。
- I hope this will be the prelude to a better cooperation and prosperous business between us. 我希望這將成為我們之間友好合作與繁榮貿易的前奏。