- Kerberos is a authentication protocol based on KDC and symmetry key cryptography. It is used suitably in a physical insecurity network. Kerberos是基於可信第三方KDC使用對稱密鑰加密演算法的認證協議,適合在一個物理網路並不安全的環境下使用。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 聲學是物理學的一個分支。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理傷殘會引起心理苦悶。
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的問題是心理的而不是身體的。
- A person of the Nordic physical type. 有北歐人身型特徵的人
- A physician who specializes in physical medicine. 理療學家專攻物理治療學的醫生
- A thorough physical examination. 體格檢查徹底的身體檢查
- Are men and women equals in physical strength? 在體力上男人和女人相同嗎?
- Physical or sensual gratification. 物質享受物質或性的滿足
- Impetus of a physical object in motion. 衝力運動中物體的動力
- In good physical condition; fit; slim. 健康的身體狀況良好的,苗條的
- I have no idea how large the physical universe is. 我不知道物質世界有多大。
- Most athletes are above par in physical conditions. 大多數運動員的體質在一般水平以上。
- Physical chemistry is Greek to me. 我對物理化學一竅不通。
- The sight of physical suffering always upsets me. 我看到身體受折磨的情形總是心驚肉跳。
- The doctor gave me a physical this morning. 今天上午醫生給我做了身體檢查。
- Relating to both physical and chemical properties. 物理和化學的與物理和化學特性均有關的
- A violent physical or verbal attack. 攻擊,抨擊武力或口頭上的攻擊
- The physical science of such phenomena. 電學研究電的現象的物理科學
- Enjoyment of vigorous health and physical drives. 動物特性對強健的身體及活躍的身體機能的享受