- Philip was called up in August1964. 菲利浦在一九六四個八月被徵召入伍。
- Spectators cheered at his KO punch. 觀眾為他擊倒對手的一擊而喝采。
- Philip is the life and soul of any party. 菲力普是所有宴會的靈魂人物。
- He was KO'd (ie knocked out) in the second round. 他在第二回合中被擊倒。
- He often asked Philip to come in for a chat. 他經常邀菲利浦進來閑談。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中國功夫是無敵的。
- Philip Fu Yuen-ko 傅元國(1933-),香港人,教育工作者。
- Philip was impatient to learn the news. 菲利浦急於想知道這個消息。
- I was livid when I found out that my boyfriend Philip had been two-timing me. 當我發現我的男朋友菲利浦對我不忠時,我便大發雷霆。
- Philip agreed to stay on in the job another week to show the new man the ropes. 菲利浦同意再留職一周,帶一帶這個新來的人。
- Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School Tin Fu Court, Area 102, Tin Shui Wai, Phase 6 (School 2), Yuen Long, N.T. 中華基督教青年會中學新界元朗天水圍第102區第6期(2號校舍)天富苑。
- Philip is a much better player than James and can run rings round him. 菲利浦是一個比詹姆斯好得多的選手,可以遠遠勝過他。
- On top of them, there are also Hing's stepsister, Ko Lai (Yuen King Dan), and Yuet Moon's younger brother, Yat Moon (Lee Sze Chit). 高家一家九口,成員包括老、中、青三代;他們身上,多少有著你我的影子;發生在他們生活中的瑣事,叫大家會心微笑。
- France reinstituted its national lottery in 1933. 法國也於1933年重新發行國家彩票。
- He mocked at Philip's pronunciation. 他嘲笑菲利浦的發音。
- The section of Fu Yung Shan Road between Route Twisk and Chuk Lam Sim Yuen will be closed. 芙蓉山路介乎荃錦公路與竹林禪院之間的路段將會封閉。
- Philip blushed and laughed uneasily. 菲力浦臉一紅,不自在地笑了起來。
- The famine in 1933 left the peasants helpless. 1933年的那次災荒使農民陷於毫無辦法的境地。
- Before 1933, by contrast, he was a prolific author. 相較而言,1933年之前,他算是一名多產的作者。
- He was KO'd in the second round. 他在第二回合中被擊倒.