- Lens equation is derived by using Fermat"s principle. 用費馬原理推導了透鏡的物像公式.
- What is more, it is the distillation of the CPC's principle of governing. 執政為民理念更是對傳統民本主義的超越及中國共產黨執政理念的升華。
- It was later named after the founder as Bellman』s Principle of Optimality. 然而,吳學謀教授及其追隨者,在泛系的成功研究中發現了這原則並不是總是對的。
- P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Principle and realize, and I hope to help beginners. P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理與實現;希望對初學者有幫助.
- Using Curies′ s principle, we deduce that the order parameter is a three-rank complete symmetry polarization tensor. 從居里原理出發,推知其序參量為三階全對稱的極張量。
- From the characteristic of YIXI Industrial Park, discussed broad band income servers and IDC servers"s principle, precept, and process. 根據義西園區企業和居民的自身特點,討論了寬頻接入服務和IDC服務的實施原則、方案及步驟。
- This article uses Quasi-Newton method based on Broyden s principle to obtain Jacobin matrix,this method can calculate Jacobin matrix direc. 該演算法採用相-模變換技術和分佈參數線路模型,考慮了雙端數據的不同步問題,運用擬牛頓法迭代求解非線性方程組。
- This article provides particular expatiation on LAG's principle, function and feature, analyzing and designing procedure, and system testing, etc. 本文從LAG的系統原理、功能特點、分析設計過程及系統測試這幾個主要方面進行了詳細的闡述。
- Finally studied testing image stabilizing precision"s principle 、 the testing system"s constitution and the computational method. 最後研究了測試穩像熱像儀穩像精度的原理、測試系統的構成及計算方法。
- Company in line with " Consumer first, Quality is industrial life, Good faith paramountcy " 's principle, With many home enterprise establish long-term cooperation relation. 公司本著「客戶第一,品質是企業的生命,誠信至上」的原則,與多家企業建立了長期的合作關係。
- This article introduces three types of SPE s principle and its usage on the analysis of medicine separately:SPE cartridge,SPE disk and solid phase micro-extraction(SPME). 本文分別介紹了固相萃取的三種形式:固相萃取柱、固相萃取盤和固相微萃取的原理及其在藥物分析和其他方面的應用情況。
- Understand SamSung MCU』s principle, Can develop charger program with C and assembly language, Konw charger and discharger character of Nicd, Nimh, Pb and Lilon battery. 大專以上,精通叄星單片機原理,能熟練運用C及彙編語言編寫各種充電器程序,了解鎳氫、鎳鉻、鉛酸及鋰電池充放電特性。
- Based on Sanderson s principle of eleetronegtivity balance, a novel technique was comprehensivelyproposed for calculation of position partial charge of group in organic molecules. 根據電負性均衡原理提出了有機分子中基團電荷分數值的計算方法,對於烷烴中氫的平均電荷值與沸點的定量關係;
- Since the early 20th, Saussure"s principle of arbitrariness has been extensively accepted and been viewed as a fundamental theory in modern linguistics. 二十世紀初索緒爾提出的語言符號任意性學說為語言學家廣泛接受,在語言學界一直佔據著主導地位。
- In this paper an algorithm HDMR based on the heuristics of Occam?s principle and rule support measure is given to mining simplified decision rules. A SQL implementation method of HDMR is also given. 根據Occam原理與規則支持度,提出了一種啟髮式精簡規則挖掘演算法HDMR,並最終給出了該演算法的SQL實現方法。
- To meet the requirement of the WTO's principle of transparence, China's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties. 為適應WTO規則的透明度要求 ,我國的行政立法程序需要改革 ,以使其具有更大的開放性 ,便於利害關係人的參與。
- Nonlinear dynamic governing equations of piezoelectric laminated cylindrical shell which considered the effect of piezoelectricity and rotary inertia was derived from Hamilton s principle. 研究了考慮轉動慣量和大變形效應的複合材料壓電層合殼內的波傳播規律。
- The importance of Pauli principle manifests itself clearly. 泡利原理的重要性清楚地表現了出來。
- The Great Purge seriously ran counter to party"s principles and ruined party"s reputation and made the image of Bolshevik"s plebification down much. 「大清洗」運動嚴重違背了黨的原則,敗壞了蘇共的聲譽,布爾什維克「平民化」形象大打折扣。
- ASB's Principle Prof.Zhou Wei Guo and Vice-Principle Dr.Derek Tan were invited to visit Nanjing Julong Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd by its Managing Director Ms.Wu Fen on 13th Jan, 2010. 2010年元月13日,我院院長周衛國教授和副院長陳亞彬教授應吳汾董事長的邀請到南京聚隆新材料有限公司考察調研。