- Party' s basic line 黨的基本路線
- the Party' s Basic Line 黨的基本路線
- The party's basic line is the lifeline of the party and the state. 黨的基本路線是黨和國家的生命線。
- It is our basic line to carry out socialist modernization. 搞社會主義現代化建設是基本路線。
- Continue to strive for the fulfillment of the basic line and historic mission of the Party. 繼續為實現黨的基本路線和歷史任務而奮鬥。
- First, analyses CVT's basic structure and gearshift theory. 首先分析了無級變速器的基本結構與變速原理。
- Deng Xiaoping Theory is our banner, and the Party's basic line and program are the fundamental guidelines for every field of our work. 鄧小平理論是我們的旗幟,黨的基本路線和基本綱領是各項工作的根本指針。
- It is our basic line to carryout socialist modernization. 搞社會主義現代化建設是基本路線。
- The basic line mist be followed unswervingly for 100 years. 強調基本路線要管一百年,動搖不得。
- It\'s basically the same thing as the Freightliner. 這基本上是作為福萊納同樣的事情。Plastic for the walls and roof (except the back); doors are aluminum.;在牆壁和屋頂塑料(除背面),門是鋁。Plenty of sanding and light blue "test paint"
- Deng Xiaoping Theory is our banner,and the Party's basic line and program are the fundamental guidelines for every field of our work. 鄧小平理論是我們的旗幟,黨的基本路線和基本綱領是各項工作的根本指針。
- Hobbs: Well, we have the basic line which is plastic, of course. 哈博斯: 嗯,我們的基本款當然是塑膠制扣鏈。
- This is of vital importance to ensure that the Party's basic line is followed for a hundred years and to maintain long-term peace and stability. 我們說黨的基本路線要管一百年,要長治久安,就要靠這一條。
- The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come. 基本路線要管一百年
- It』s basically a multi-layered multi-color digital spirograph. App Store 的英文介紹: "This is one cool app.
- As the lifeblood of the Party and the country, this basic line provides the political guarantee for scientific development. 黨的基本路線是黨和國家的生命線,是實現科學發展的政治保證。
- To Party's basic line, need with upholding and developing organic union: Only developing, can uphold that, also only upholding that, can develop. 對黨的基本路線,需要把堅持和發展有機地結合:只有發展才能堅持,也只有堅持才談得上發展。
- ATM's basic unit is a cell rather than a packet, and that cell has just 48 usable bytes (with an additional 5 for header information). atm的基本單元是信元,而不是包,該信元只有48個可用位元組(另外還有5個是用於報頭信息的位元組)。
- And does it not affect our basic line--the alliance of workers and peasants? 這不是要影響到工農聯盟這一個基本路線嗎?
- English interjection is changeable, and should be translated from the point of it's basic meaning. 同時,英語嘆詞又十分靈活,應從其具體含義出發,選擇恰當的漢語辭彙來表達。