Microwave ovens have made a hit among housewives. 微波烤箱很受家庭主婦歡迎。
Scientists say future soil samples will be sprinkled gently onto the TEGA's ovens to avoid the clumping problem. 科學家說以後的土壤樣本會輕輕撒在分析儀烤箱上,以避免泥土成塊問題。
The bean is grown on the slopes of the Sumatran highlands where the orangutans play and is roasted in old clay ovens before being shipped off the island. 這種咖啡豆生長在蘇門答臘高地的斜坡上,那兒是長臂猩猩的棲息地,咖啡豆要在黏土烤爐里烘烤加工后才會被運出島。