- Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar. 直接從碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝湯是粗俗的
- Mister McCarthy』s language is very simple and direct.But each carefully chosen word is powerful and sometimes even heartbreaking in its effect on the reader. 麥卡錫先生的語言非常簡捷,但每一個精心選用的辭彙對讀者而言是那麼有力,有時甚至讓讀者感到異常的悲傷。
- His language is a bit vulgar at times. 他說話有時有點粗俗。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英語和德語屬於同一語系。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英語與漢語不屬於同一語系。
- Language is often spoken of as a living organism. 語言常被當作一種活的有機體來講。
- The language is almost the same wherever one goes. 不論你到哪裡,語言幾乎是相同的。
- The man is vulgar in speech.Stay away from him. 這個人言語粗鄙,離他遠些。
- His knowledge of the language is fair. 他對這種語言的了解相當不錯。
- Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar . 在英國,用刀把食物送進嘴裡被認為是粗魯的行為。
- The only one true language is kissing. 親吻是人類唯一真實的語言。
- The English language is familiar to him. 英文是他所通曉的。
- The essence of language is communication. 語言的本質是溝通。
- MFC in layman s language, is able to learn MFC helper! MFC深入淺出,是大家學習MFC的得力幫手!
- Language is an instrument for communication. 語言是交際的手段。
- Language is the vehicle of thought. 語言是表達思想的工具。
- In England "fanny" is vulgar slang for female genitals. 在英格蘭,「fanny」是對女性生殖器的粗鄙稱謂。
- Language is peculiar to mankind. 語言是人類特有的。
- How do I find a VCD/DVD's language and subtitle support? 如何找到VCD/DVD的語言和字幕幫助?
- To know a language is one thing,to teach it is another. 懂得一種語言是一回事,教這種語言是另一回事。