- Some old destroyers in the fleet are ready to be pensioned off. 艦隊里有幾艘舊驅逐艦就要退出現役了。
- Three old destroyers (all now out of commission) will be scrapped. 三名老壞手(現均已退役)將被處決。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那個老人有無窮的智慧。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 這古老的農場已被劃分為一塊塊的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座舊公寓真不順眼!
- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他計劃給舊桌子上一層漆。
- I'm afraid the old gramophone has conked out. 恐怕這架舊唱機已出故障了。
- That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother. 那傢伙做得出勒索老母親錢財的事來。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那個老婦人是個包打聽,因此沒有人喜歡跟她說話。
- The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle. 小櫥里塞滿了舊的釣魚用具。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演講者將是我們的老朋友約翰。路易斯。
- An old jeep is putter along the road. 一輛舊吉普車沿路迤邐而來。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死於體溫過低。
- I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. 我正試圖尋找到我那年邁的嬸嬸莫德。
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不過著孤獨的晚年生活。
- Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man. 許多的遠親都來巴結這位有錢的老人。
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的錢,使這位老人甚為痛苦。
- The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 老婦人撫摸著蹲在身邊的小貓。