- The vessels engaged in the waste dumping must report to the administrative department in charge of maritime affairs of the departure port. 傾倒廢棄物的船舶必須向駛出港的海事行政主管部門作出書面報告。
- Chapter five introduces the setting-up of unit"s expenditure project budget performance evaluation index system, weight definite method and appraising method of the index of maritime affairs. 第五章介紹了海事單位支出項目預算績效評價指標體系的建立,指標權重的確定方法以及評價方法;
- Of or relating to shipping or maritime affairs. 船運的,海事的船運的或海事的,與船運或海事有關的
- Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries of Korea 海洋水產部
- Sponsored by Teaching Affairs Office of cqit No. 主辦:重慶工學院教務處第一期。
- He was elected to the office of mayor. 他被選上擔任市長之職。
- The office of a reader at a university. 高級講師職稱大學中高級講師的職稱
- The office or term of office of a nuncio. 羅馬教皇使節的職位或任期
- Further develop the office of international affairs. 進一步拓展國際事務部。
- Maintain the security of maritime traffic. 維護海運安全。
- The office, duties, or term of office of a curate. 助理牧師助理牧師的職位、工作或任期
- Practice "three represents theory", realize the modernization of maritime affairs in advance 認真實踐「三個代表」率先實現海事工作現代化
- A Brief Comment on the Legal Effect of Lawsuit Timeliness Agreement Extension of Maritime Affairs 略論海事訴訟時效協議延長的法律效力
- The position or office of a head or leader; primacy or command. 首領或領導人的地位或職務; 首要地位或指揮權
- Now he holds the office of Foreign Minister. 他現在擔任外交部長職務。
- The office or term of office of a pontiff. 教皇的職位或任期
- We are the maritime affair bureau assign to dump pollutants the company. 我們是海事局指定的排污公司。
- I mean officers of the rank of major and below. 我是說少校及少校以下的軍官們。
- bureau of maritime affairs 海事局
- The incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge. 檢察官和法官的職位不能由一個人兼任。