- Methods and instruments for the measurement of mineral oil in water and soil. 水體和土壤中礦物油的常用測量方法與儀器。
- Oil is insoluble in water under common conditions. 油在常規條件下是不能溶解於水的。
- It can clear up the thermonatrite, rust and oil in water tanks, water jackets and warm wind radiators. 能清除水箱,水套,暖風散熱器中的水鹼,鐵鏽及油膩。在更換防凍液或冷卻水時使用尤為必要。
- Oil in water Multicolour Textured Coating is most popular throughout China andcontinues to be expanded for its use. 水包油型多彩花紋塗料已風行全國,將會繼續擴大應用。
- By screening and mingling of various kinds of solvents and surfactants, a sort of oil remover on sandstone in oil in water emulsion form is developed. 對各種溶劑及表面活性劑進行了篩選和復配,用正交實驗方法配製了對砂岩表面原油具有高效清洗能力的水包油型乳狀液。
- Half the oil in the lamp had burnt away. 油燈中一半的油已經燒掉了。
- W h t w t t d o t p. O w f s w w a i t s. 大衛:我們得把要買的東西寫在紙上。否則我們到商店買的時候就可能忘掉一些。
- An general model of the micro-explosion of emulsified droplets,suitable for oil in water(O/W) and water in oil(W/O) is presented. 關於乳化油的微爆在以往的文獻中提出過各種計算模型,對油包水與水包油兩種乳化油的微爆有不同看法。
- N, f w s t c; y p 50% o w i c, a t r w w f m. 搬運工:不是的,首先我們簽訂合同,您支付50%25的費用,然後我們搬完之後再支付剩下的部分。
- An general model of the micro explosion of emulsified droplets,suitable for oil in water(O/W) and water in oil(W/O) is presented. 關於乳化油的微爆在以往的文獻中提出過各種計算模型,對油包水與水包油兩種乳化油的微爆有不同看法。
- M 1:50 p ? T i a l o w t l . W d T e ? 媽媽1:五十磅?那要減重很多。湯姆都吃什麼?
- B, i w a p o w i, n c g o, a n c g i e. 爸爸:但是,如果我們都擠著進,就沒人能下地鐵,也沒人能進去了。
- H. I t a w a C t o w a f g. W o t w? 接線員:嗯,周六晚上會有一場慈善演出,另外,周日晚上,有一位戲曲明星會舉辦一場個人演唱會。
- This kind of tablet is soluble in water. 這種藥片能溶於水。
- There were prospecting for oil in the desert. 他們那時正在沙漠中勘探石油。
- H o w S i l e n t . t h i s . N i g h t__. 又一情感。。。表讓自己融入那麼憂傷的氣氛里。。
- The flowers will revive in water. 這些花在水中會再活。
- The beaver lives both on land and in water. 海狸既能在陸上生活也能在水裡生活。
- Your engine will seize up if you don't put some more oil in. 你再不加些潤滑油,發動機就要卡住了。
- Wood does not sink in water, it floats. 木頭在水中不沉,而是漂在水面。