- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 絞盡腦汁的數學測驗,我真是絞盡了腦汁。
- Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 這酒館的打烊時間是十一點。
- We've got the OK from the council at last. 我們終於獲得了委員會的同意。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water off. 他們正在掘溝排水。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他們正在掘溝排水。
- The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. 咖啡渣堵塞了廚房的排水道。
- The drain is blocked and needs unplugging. 排水管堵塞了,得疏通一下。
- The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。
- The child's mouth formed a big O in surprise. 那孩子驚奇得張著嘴像個大O字。
- All hands turned out to repair the terraces and drain the water. 所有勞動力都出來整修梯田,排除積水。
- All of our best laid plans are down the drain. 我們所有精心布置的計劃都付之東流
- A sewer or drain crossing under a road or embankment. 涵洞橫在公路或堤岸下面的下水道或排水管
- Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please? 好的。請您告訴我貴姓及大名的頭一個字母。
- If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain! 你要是中斷大學的學習,你花的錢就會都付諸東流了。
- Only when everything is ok will the patent be registered. 只有一切都順利,才能登記專利。
- Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! 你已經吃過午飯了嗎?現在才12點。
- Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources. 軍費開支是國家資源的一大消耗。
- Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water. 把蔬菜煮上20分鐘,然後把水瀝掉。
- She's OK, but she always likes to blab about how successful her husband is. 她還可以啦,不過她老愛提她老公有多成功。