- They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. 他們竭力說服她出庭作偽證。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 這座新的核電站在建造之中。
- One cannot commit crimes with impunity. 一個人不能犯了罪不受懲罰。
- This old man is a famous nuclear physicist. 這位老人是一位著名的核物理學家。
- His political commitment is only skin-deep. 他政治上的承諾只是表面文章。
- Plans for nuclear plants have been declassified. 建造核裝備的計劃已不再保密。
- They decided to establish a nuclear power station. 他們決定修建一所核電站。
- It is impossible not to commit mistake. 不犯錯誤是不可能的。
- He refused to commit himself on the subject. 關於那個問題,他拒絕表明自己的態度。
- Nuclear energy remains a double-headed creature. 核能依然是一種有利也有弊的能原。
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to me. 核物理學是我完全不懂的一門學科。
- He won't commit himself on women's rights. 他不會對女權問題發表意見的。
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us. 我們大多數人對原子核物理學一竅不通。
- His area of concentration is nuclear physics. 他的專門研究範圍是原子物理學。
- He commit three petrol station robbery in two day. 兩天內,他三次暴力搶劫汽油加油站。
- He would not commit himself in any way. 他不願做出任何承諾。
- He refused to commit himself on the issue. 他拒絕就那一問題發表看法。
- These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles. 這些潛艇裝備有核導彈。
- They are planning a new nuclear power plant. 他們正在策劃一座新的核電廠。
- Don't commit yourself. It'll let us in for trouble. 別隨便表態。這會使我們陷入麻煩的。