- A profligate heir who decimated his trust fund. 急劇減少信託基金的恣意揮霍的繼承人
- She set up a trust fund for her children. 她為子女設立了一個信託基金。
- We're putting money into a trust fund. 我們在信用基金方面投資。
- He set up a trust fund for his niece. 他為侄女建立了信託基金。
- A profligateheir who decimated his trust fund. 急劇減少信託基金的恣意揮霍的繼承人。
- Shay: Well, I was thinking of using my trust fund. 夏伊:這個嘛,我打算動用我的信讬基金。
- The name and term of the securities investment trust fund. 二證券投資信?基金之名稱及其存續期間。
- Your trust fund ... your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. 他空空茫茫的眼睛里,只有那個傻胖子痴痴的笑。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees. 該基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委員會管理。
- He appropriated the trust funds for himself. 他挪用信託資金。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund,administered by a board of trustees. 該基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委員會管理。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees . 該基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委員會管理。
- These days a benevolent billionaire might set up a charitable trust fund. 這些天,一位樂善好施的億萬富翁可能會成立一個公益信託基金會。
- A bank had billions of dollars in clients' trust funds to invest. 銀行吸引了幾十億美元的客戶信託金供投資之用。
- She enjoys an excellent income from her trust funds. 她從信託基金中享有豐厚的收入。
- OK, Eddy. So you'd prefer a trust fund to the standby letter of credit facility. 好,艾迪。看來你還是更傾向於採用信託基金來代替備用信用證便利。
- Third, the Act creates a Hazardous Substances Trust Fund to pay for removal and remedial actions. 第三,法案設立了「危險物質信託基金」,用以支付遷移和補償行為。
- This was put into a trust fund for past expenses and any future medical costs Involved in Julian's treatment. 這筆錢被投入一個信託基金,用以支付以前的費用以及朱利安將來的治療費。
- Back in Nigeria we used to play a lot of tennis. 我們以前在奈及利亞經常打網球。