- Myles' ethmoid punch 邁爾斯(氏)篩骨咬骨鉗
- The punch in the stomach completely winded me. 我肚子上挨了一拳一時完全喘不過氣來。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 這是伏特加酒,它有強烈的刺激作用。
- He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. 他一拳擊中攻擊他的人的下顎,把他打倒在地。
- The punch was aimed at his opponent's head. 那一拳是沖著對手的頭打去的。
- He decked him with his first punch. 他第一拳就把他打倒在地。
- Spectators cheered at his KO punch. 觀眾為他擊倒對手的一擊而喝采。
- We made gallons of rum punch for the party. 我們為聚會準備了許多蘭姆潘趣酒。
- I want to punch a new hole in the belt. 我想在這條皮帶上打一個新孔。
- I wanted to punch him for his betrayal. 因為他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一頓。
- Those cocktails pack quite a punch! 那些雞尾酒勁兒可真大!
- He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把對手打倒在地。
- The punch stunned me for a moment. 那一拳把我打得昏了一陣。
- A short straight punch in boxing. 一記快拳在拳擊比賽中的短直拳
- nasal ethmoid punch forceps 鼻篩竇咬取鉗
- Jeff became so mad at Mike that he threw a punch at him. 傑夫對邁克大為發怒,向他一拳揍去。
- Punch down any loose nails so that the floor is quite smooth. 把所有鬆動的釘子都釘進去,使地板平滑。
- His ethmoid bone was broken in the accident. 他在這次車禍中篩骨骨折。
- My mother was pleased as Punch when I took her some flowers. 我給我母親帶了一些花去,她非常高興。
- Leo,Myles,Gerry Fitzgerald最高!I love baby. 我愛這些孩子。為寶貝們最美的笑容。