- Helen' s teeth protrude too far. 海倫的牙齒太突出了。
- Cause the bite just matches with John Jr.'s teeth. 因為那個傷口正好和小強的牙齒吻合!
- Cause the bite just matches with John Jr.』s teeth. 因為那個傷口正好和小強的牙齒吻合!
- A single blow ripped out two of his opponent' s teeth. 他一拳擊落了對手的兩顆牙。
- The father has eaten sour grape, and the children 's teeth are set on edge . 父親吃了酸葡萄,子女牙齒也發酸。
- It is difficult to scale off the tartar on the inside of one 's teeth. 剔除牙內表面之垢十分不容易。
- We can also guess that such a toothbrush may hurt the man』s teeth as well as his mood , inconveniencing him greatly. 我們可以猜到這支牙刷不僅可能傷害這個人的牙齒,也破壞了他的心情,給他帶來了很多不便。
- A method and a system for stereo positioning and tracking human s teeth are introduced. 介紹了一套對真人牙體進行立體定位、跟蹤的方法和系統。
- Three things are not to be trusted - a cow 's horn, a dog 's tooth, and a horse 's hoof . 三件東西難信賴:牛角、犬牙和馬蹄。
- The equations of thecurvature,curvature radius on hypocycloid"s tooth profile are deduced. 在此基礎上分析推導了各種型式的滾子鏈諧波傳動的傳動比計算公式。
- He dismissed 「Pulling Yu Hua』s Teeth」 as 「sensationalism」 and robustly rejected the accusation that he performs for a Western audience. 汪暉講起西方金融危機以及它對中國出口導向型經濟的影響,股市在直線下跌,沿海工廠大量關閉。
- The gland has openings between the lizard』s teeth and releases chemicals that both dilate blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. 這種腺體在科摩多龍的牙齒之間有開口,能釋放出讓血管擴張並且阻止血液凝固的的化學物質。
- Rawhide roll with rich milk flavor.Additional calcium can keep your dog』s teeth health.And it can eliminate dogs stress and training dogs with snacks. 使用天然牛皮加上濃濃的牛奶香,補鈣也可使愛犬的牙齒潔白,並可消除愛犬的壓力並訓練愛犬的零食。
- Most people would say that doing so is permissible, even though the harm to the aggressor is much greater than the value of the victim』s teeth. 大多數人會說這樣做是允許的,即使對侵犯者的傷害遠遠大於受害者牙齒的價值。
- Hong Shugan, dry bread can also give baby teeth, and some biscuits molar, premolar stick, finger biscuits, are helping to ease the baby』s teeth does not helpful. 紅薯干、饅頭干也可以給寶貝磨牙,還有一些磨牙餅乾、磨牙棒、手指餅乾,都是幫助寶貝緩解出牙不適的好幫手。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球對地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon. 巴里很難得去看望他父母一次。
- Last night there was a full moon. 昨晚是滿月。
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 該航天器在繞月球軌道運行。
- The moon peeped out from behind the clouds. 月亮從雲層中隱現。