- Much of the script was written during a bus trip with Herzog』s football team. 大部分手稿是在一次與他的足球隊一起進行的的巴士旅行中完成的。
- She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team. 她曾經是足球隊上每個人的性伴侶。
- He is a full back of our football team. 他是我們足球隊中的後衛。
- Our football team won by four goals to nil. 我們的足球隊以四比零取勝。
- The football team needs a bit more ginger in it. 這支足球隊需要些活力。
- He is a member of the varsity football team. 他是大學足球代表隊的球員。
- They cheered loudly for their football team. 他們大聲地為自己的足球隊喊加油。
- I am in the school football team. 我是學校足球隊的隊員。
- Our football team has won an overwhelming victory. 我們的足球隊取得了壓倒性的勝利。
- Our football team really got plastered last week. 我們的足球隊上星期遭到慘敗。
- The football team achieved a complete triumph. 足球隊大獲全勝。
- He is on the college football team. 他是大學橄欖球隊的隊員。
- The football team felt the sting of defeat. 足球隊嘗到了失敗的痛楚。
- Injuries dogged the football team all season. 這個橄欖球隊整個賽季都為隊員受傷而困擾。
- The football team has signed two new players. 該足球隊已簽約聘用了兩名新隊員。
- Our football team has got a very experienced coach. 我們的足球隊有了一個很有經驗的教練。
- Which football team do you support? 你支持哪個足球隊?
- John was rooting for the Scottish football team in the World Cup. 約翰在世界盃比賽中為蘇格蘭足球隊喝彩。
- Which football team is the leader in the football championship? 現在哪個隊在足球錦標賽中領先?
- To our delight, our football team won. 令我們高興的是,我們的足球隊贏了。