- Sepala 4, erecta,extus velutina. 萼片4,直立,外面被短柔毛。
- Potentilla griffithii Hook. f. var. velutina Card. 長柔毛委陵菜
- Vespa velutina nigrithorax is the main wasp species to sting residents in the city zone of Hangzhou. 墨胸胡蜂為杭州市城區的主要螫人毒蜂種類。
- Fiffeen clones of Fraxinus velutina Torr.are analysed by means of 5 clustering methods based on 28 characters. 採用系統聚類分析中的最短距離法等5種方法,對絨毛白蠟15個無性系進行系統聚類。
- Chen HM, Zhou WR, Liang SK, 1998. Megachile, Qsmis, Bombus. In: Yang GH ed. Utilization and Industrialization of Insect Resources in China.Beijing: China Agriculture Press. 陳合明;周偉儒;梁詩魁;1998.;切葉蜂;壁蜂;熊蜂。見:楊冠煌主編。中國昆蟲資源利用與產業化。北京:中國農業出版社。
- This paper reported a new taxon of the Bambusoideae from South Fujian, China. It's Lingnania chungii( McClure) McClure var. velutina Yi et J. Y. Shi. 該文報道了產於中國福建南部的竹亞科一新分類群,即單竹屬變種天鵝絨竹。
- Lower concentrations of salt promoted seeds germination of Vitex negundo and Fraxinus velutina, slightly restrained of Elaeagnus angustifolia. 低濃度混合鹽溶液對荊條、白蠟種子萌發有促進作用,對沙棗有輕度抑制。
- Megachile rotundata F. 苜蓿切葉蜂
- Fraxinus velutina Torr. 絨毛白蠟
- Fraxinus velutina Torr. and Sophora japonica Linn.are fine species utilized to afforest highways for their higher comprehensive adaptability,and their average survival rates are above 90%. 絨毛白臘、國槐都是綜合適應能力較強的公路綠化樹種,平均成活率均在90%25以上;
- In this paper, four species of the genus Cimicifuga L. from China(C. acerina, C. simplex, C. yunnanensis, C. foetida var. foetida and C. foetida var. velutina) were karyomorphologically investigated. 本文研究了國產四種升麻屬植物(小升麻、單穗升麻、雲南升麻、升麻及其變種毛葉升麻)的核形態。
- Megachile circumcincta chinensisn. 圈切葉蜂中國亞種;新亞種
- Megachile desertorum tsinanensisn. 沙漠石蜂濟南亞種
- Megachile sculpturalis sculpturalisn. 粗切葉蜂指名亞種
- Megachile sculpturalis nudicollisn. 粗切葉蜂甘肅亞種
- Megachile (Chalicodoma) desertorum 沙漠石蜂
- environmental factors(Megachile rotundata) 環境因子
- Nicotiana velutina mosaic tobamovirus 天鵝絨煙草花葉病毒
- Potentilla grifftthii var. velutina 長柔毛委陵菜
- Potentilla griffithii var. velutina 長柔毛委陵菜