- Operating range : various works panels dyed panels. 經營範圍:各種工程板,染板等。
- This is the maximum current that can flow safely into an input terminal of the device at voltages above or below the normal operating range. 在器件電壓高於或低於正常工作電壓原範圍內,可以安全地流入器件輸入端的最大電流。
- Determine that the yield is within the normal operating range. 確定收率是限定在通常的操作範圍之內。
- One of the most difficult factors to overcome is the wide operating range. 需要克服的最困難的因素之一是工作量程大。
- To travel at a constant speed,or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period. 以經濟速度行駛以穩定的速度行進,或在一段時間內以發動機效率最高的速度行駛
- Service conditions-line media, temperature, and maximum operating differential pressure. 應用環境-管路流體介質,溫度和最大工作壓差。
- The maximum operating temperature is directly related to the heat treatment process used in manufacturing components. 最高工作溫度與製造元件所用的熱處理工藝直接有關。
- To travel at a constant speed, or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period. 以經濟速度行駛以穩定的速度行進,或在一段時間內以發動機效率最高的速度行駛
- The company will also offer virtualization in order to save power and push systems to maximum operating capacity. 該公司也將提供虛擬化,以節省電源和推進系統,以最高的經營能力。
- Maximum operating torque that the operating shaft (operating knob) can endure in its full CW or CCW position. 動觸點調節到觸及終端止檔時,無變形和其他可見損傷時的最大力矩。
- A large set of factors determines the normal operating range for each counter in a typical system. 在典型系統中,每個計數器的正常操作範圍是由大量因素確定的。
- They recommend operating speeds or a maximum operating speed for that blade and print this information directly on the blade. 他們建議,最高運行速度還是運行速度,這一信息直接列印葉片葉片。
- The running state and the allowed operating range of the feedwater pump can be determined with the model. 利用本模型,可確定給水泵真實運行狀態和允許的工作範圍。
- The coefficient of grounding is the ratio of the maximum sustained line-to-ground voltage during faults to the maximum operating line-to-line voltage. 接地係數是故障時最大持續相電壓與最大運行線電壓之比。
- DE will merge into an organic whole with GNS and its operating range will be expanded to GNS. 但是,我們發現對管理推動的更大的動力來源於商業方式的變化。
- This is the maximum continuous sinusoidal rms voltage, which maybe applied at any temperature upto the maximum operating temperature of the device. 在規定的環境條件下,保證壓敏電阻器正常工作所允許連續施加的最大交流電壓值。
- Operating range, almost covers the integrated circuit diode and audion, crystal all series. 產品廣泛應用於民用、工業、軍工等對電子產品具有不同要求的領域。
- The divider exhibits a maximum operating frequency up to 16 GHz,and has an operating region of(5.8 GHz) under-10 dBm input signal. 該分頻器最高工作頻率達到16 GH z。 當單端輸入信號為-10 dBm時;具有5.;8 GH z的工作範圍。
- Nominal Operating Range is -35 C to 175 C, depending on application and ISO grade. 依照應用場合和黏度;額定操作溫度範圍是-35C到175C.
- ANSI B16.18 states that the maximum operating pressure of 50-50 solder connections is 200 psi at 100oF, and decreases with higher temperatures. ANSI(美國國家標準化組織)B16.;18規定50-50焊料連接的最大工作壓力在37oC下是200psi,溫度越高,則壓力就越低。