- Marine Amphibious Force Air Support Airfield 陸戰隊兩棲部隊空援機場
- Marine Amphibious Force Field Exercise 陸戰隊兩棲部隊野外演習
- Marine Amphibious Force Landing Exercise 陸戰隊兩棲部隊登陸演習
- Marine Amphibious Force 陸戰隊兩棲部隊
- Second Marine Amphibious Force 第二陸戰隊兩棲部隊
- Yuke G Enemy amphibious force has begun advancing. 敵軍兩棲部隊開始推進.
- Yuke Landing Force Assault squadron, provide fire support to the amphibious force. 進攻中隊,為兩棲軍提供火力支援。
- Marine Amphibious Brigade Field Exercise 陸戰隊兩棲旅野外演習
- Marine Amphibious Brigade Landing Exercise 陸戰隊兩棲旅登陸演習
- Marine Amphibious Unit Landing Exercise 陸戰隊兩棲小隊登陸演習
- Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade 準備登船的陸戰隊兩棲旅
- During World War II he served as a staff officer with amphibious forces in the invasions of Sicily and Italy, but arrived in the Pacific in time for Okinawa. 二戰期間他作為一名參謀軍官跟隨兩棲部隊進攻西西里島和義大利,並及時趕上了太平洋上沖繩島的戰鬥。
- Command Amphibious Force Pacific Representative 太平洋艦隊兩棲部隊司令部代表
- Transport Amphibious Force Atlantic Fleet 大西洋艦隊兩棲部隊所屬運輸艦
- Transports Amphibious Force Pacific Fleet 太平洋艦隊兩棲部隊所屬運輸艦
- Combined Amphibious Force Mediterrean 地中海諸兵種合成兩棲部隊
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物長在海底。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 試圖用暴力消除異端邪說是徒勞的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破崙攻無不克靠的是堅強的意志。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他們拒不向武力低頭。