- The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side. 俄羅斯隊提出正式抗議,反對美國隊的戰術。
- Can you explain to me the tactics of volleyball? 你能給我講解一下排球戰術嗎?
- Study on Management Tactics of Re. 逆向物流管理策略及發展趨勢研究。
- Gossip is one of the tactics of the envious. 閑言是嫉妒者的伎倆。
- There are lots of ships in port today. 今天港口有很多般只。
- Rivet holes in the sides of ships. 他們在學習如何在船身上鏜鉚釘孔。
- The charting of ships is usually done through. 租船通常通過中間人從中撮合。
- Berth throughput The handling of ships in a port. 泊位吞吐量,泊位通過能力一個港口處理船隻的能力。
- Can you explain some of the tactics of table tennis? 能解釋一下乒乓球的戰術嗎?
- Dose the game have limit in the number of ships? 奧運會帆船比賽參賽船數有限制嗎?
- Berth throughput: The handling of ships in a port. 泊位吞吐量,泊位通過能力:一個港口處理船隻的能力。
- Thousands of ships enwombed in the gulf of mexico. 數千艘的船深藏在墨西哥海灣中。
- There are all kinds of ships in a quay. 碼頭停泊各式各樣的船。
- The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day. 這條河道每天有數百艘船通過。
- The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre. 船隻橫七豎八地擠在一起,幾乎沒有多少移動的空間。
- Other methods and tactics of struggle were employed. 我們採用了其他的鬥爭方法和策略。
- They are taught how to bear rivet hole in the side of ships. 有人教他們如何在船的舷側鑽鉚孔。
- Offensive and Defensive Tactics of Computer Network in the U.S.A. 美國計算機網路攻防策略。
- Tens of thousands of ships have sunk in the Atlantic. 好幾萬艘船已沉入大西洋中。
- Initiative and passive control tactics of antisurge are introduced. 介紹了防喘振的主動與被動控制策略;