- Mundell』s writings include numerous articles in scientific journals and books. 蒙代爾 教授在各類科技期刊表了大量論文,撰寫了大量著作。
- Peter' s writing is neat and easy to read. 彼得的字寫得整齊清楚,容易看。
- She' s writing a dictionary or something. 她在編寫詞典之類的書.
- I do read most of Master Faun』s writing. >(5)有些邪惡的高靈正在跟佛教進行鬥法,值得注意。
- Verne』s writings made him the pioneer of science fiction, and one of its finest writers. 凡爾納的作品讓他成為科幻小說的鼻祖,並成為最優秀的作家之一。
- Next, we focus on Cardozo』s writings and his famous judicial opinions, hoping to get a comprehensive understanding of his judicial philosophy. 接下來,著重是對卡多佐的司法著作以及著名的司法意見書進行研讀,了解並揭示卡多佐的司法哲學的內涵。
- With these in mind, we explained that the features of Zi-Kai Feng s writings were transforming pictures into proses and putting humors into proses . 其散文展現了含哲理、藏詩情畫意、富藝術味、有風俗美、融酒趣、能幽默的風格。
- Then the Waning moon image, frequently appears in Chi Zijian"s writings, has displayed writer"s unique individual happy view. 遲子建筆下經常出現的殘月意象,則表現了作家獨特的個人幸福觀。
- The second part deals with the religious characteristics of Hawthorne』s writings from two perspectives: topic and prototype. 第二部分從主題、原型兩方面具體分析霍桑小說內容的宗教性特徵;
- He' s writing a full-scale history of 19th century France. 他正在寫19世紀法國詳史。
- Mr Dosman』s writing is workmanlike rather than sparkling. 雖然作者多斯曼先生的行文頗為嫻熟,但卻並不出彩。
- The godlike father in Kafka"s writings is no doubt the reflection of the relationship between father and son in reality.Father as a mirror also help Kafka look into the life. 第一,卡夫卡的作品中有著上帝般的父親,這無疑和他現實生活中緊張而複雜的父子關係有明顯地聯繫,父親這面鏡子也凝縮著卡夫卡對生活的思考。
- PS Anyone who thinks I am naive should read Major General Smedley Butler』s writings and take note that he was twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The book, 「War Is A Racket,」 can be read for Free at (任何覺得我天真的人都可以拜讀一下Smedley大將的「戰爭是噪音」。)
- It』s one of my favourite sparetime readings and it』s written by J.K.Rowling. 世界名著讀後感 英語讀後感My favourite book Do you know Harry Potter?
- This paper,based on an analysis of his writings,shows that beyond the style of satire and criticism Shi Tuo s writings overflow with homesickness and great concern for people s life. 而在批判和諷刺之上,師陀的創作有更基本的維度,這就是瀰漫在作品中的綿綿不絕的鄉愁,以及由之對時間之流中生命的關懷。
- Viewing the writings of ZHANG Xianliang with feminist vision, we can conclude that all of the features of the female images represent the men"s writing of the history. 用女性主義的眼光觀照張賢亮的這些作品,可以發現這些女性形象的特徵都代表了一種男權對歷史的書寫。
- Some people are superstitious about 13's, but I worry whenever I see 9's written out. 有些人對13有所迷信,可我無論何時看到寫出9來就有憂慮。
- Secondly, some critics consider Yukio Mishima』s writing purpose lies in 「a reform to the sense of beauty」. 其次,就這部「觀念小說」,一般認為作家創作的「明確目的」為「美意識的改革」。
- An important theme of Tie Ning"s writing is to pursue and introspect pure selfhood. 對「本真自我」的追尋和反思構成鐵凝創作的一個重要主題;
- The auther of this widely known article si Luxun. 這篇家喻戶曉的文章是魯迅寫的。