- Liu Bei ' s image 劉備形象
- Liu Bei consulted with his new wife at once. 劉備連忙和妻子商量。
- Liu Bei replied with a smile, "I have my own way. 劉備笑了笑說:「你們不懂,不要再問了。
- Liu Bei replied, "I sigh for what I haven't done. 劉備忙說:「我是為國家嘆。
- "A great idea!" Agreed Liu Bei and Guan Yu. 劉備和關羽都說:「真是太好了」。
- "Then who would you name?" Liu Bei asked him. 「那你覺得誰是英雄呢?」劉備問。
- Once again, Liu Bei did not listen to Zhuge Liang. 劉備沒有把諸葛亮的忠告放在心上,仍然讓軍隊在江邊紮營。
- Cao Cao from then onwards, let down his guard on Liu Bei. 曹操見狀,大笑不止,認為劉備連打雷都害怕,成不了大事,對劉備放鬆了警覺。
- That's designed to recast the GOP's image. 他們希望重塑這個美國大老黨的形象。
- Did he faithfully copy Nakae』s image of Kant? 在轉換過程之中是否經過一些加工?
- After Battle at the Red Wall, assists Liu Bei to still Jing Nan. 赤壁之戰後,協助劉備平定荊南。
- The scandal hurt the government\'s image badly. 這醜聞嚴重損害了政府的形象。
- Zhao Yun scooped up Ah Dou, moved by Liu Bei's words. 趙雲連忙抱起阿斗,心裡非常感。
- The scandal hurt the government's image badly. 這醜聞嚴重損害了政府的形象.
- Fearful for his safety, Liu Bei retired to his vegetable garden. 劉備害怕自己也被懷疑,就裝出沒有志向的樣子,每天都在菜園裡種菜。
- Lu Xun and his troops came, shouting that they would seize Liu Bei. 接著,陸遜率領吳國軍隊沖了過來,大喊著要抓住劉備。
- The first step was to publicize Liu Bei's marriage everywhere. 原來諸葛亮要他四處宣揚劉備成親的事。
- Unnerved, Liu Bei dropped his chopsticks on the floor. 劉備一聽,嚇了一跳,拿在手裡的筷子掉在了地上。
- All of them felt that Liu Bei's troops were chasing them. 都以為劉備的大軍追上來了。
- One windy night, the camp on Liu Bei's left suddenly caught fire. 這天晚上,天上颳起了大風。忽然,劉備左邊的軍營起了火。