France believes the Bulgarian medics sentenced to death for infecting Libyan children with HIV can be saved. 法國相信保加利亞苜蓿屬植物宣判死了,因為傳染利比亞的患有愛滋病毒的孩子能被解救。
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi made the announcement during a visit to the Mediterranean city of Benghazi where he met Libyan leader Moammar Gadhdafi. 貝盧斯科尼總理在訪問利比亞的地中海城市班加西時宣布了上述協議,他在那裡會晤了利比亞領導人卡扎菲。
用作名詞 (n.)
Claudio Lotito has the intention of strengthening his relationship with Libyan Saadi Gheddafi. 洛蒂托意圖加強和利比亞人小卡扎菲的關係。