- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小說中的英國形象為讀者打開了一扇審視世界的窗戶。
- Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization. 趙樹理小說在通俗化中呈現出了高雅的氛圍。
- Top of the list are midfielder Li Tie, 24, centre back Li Weifeng, 24, defender Du Wei, 20 and striker Qu Bo, 20. 這幾名候選人包括24歲的前衛李鐵;24歲的中後衛李瑋峰;20歲的後衛杜威和20歲的前鋒曲波。
- It was the trifling life phenomenon that presented to readers on surface of Chi Li s novel,which lacking the tall and big heroic stature and without lofty ideal. 池莉小說表面上呈現給讀者的是瑣碎的生活表象,缺少高大的英雄形象,沒有崇高的理想。
- Top of the list are midfielder Li Tie,24,centre back Li Weifeng,24,defender Du Wei,20 and striker Qu Bo,20. 這幾名候選人包括24歲的前衛李鐵,24歲的中後衛李瑋峰,20歲的後衛杜威和20歲的前鋒曲波。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 許多評論家稱在年輕的M.;的小說中有海明威的影子。
- Especially after returning to homeland allies Chengdu sheffey to unite, Li Tie has also never had the goal. 尤其是在回國加盟成都謝菲聯之後,李鐵還從來沒有過進球。
- Creative mentality is the cause of Zhang Ailing』s novels』 「sombre」 meaning. 創作心態是張愛玲小說「蒼涼」意味形成的原因。
- The 「Beijing free improvisation alliance」 is initiated and organized by the saxophonist Li Tie Qiao. 聯盟從2007年11月開始策劃「聲東擊西」系列自由即興的演出。目前主要活動範圍在北京地區。
- Second , it will analyze the comedic style of Wang xiao-bo"s novels . 喜劇性在王小波的小說創作觀念中佔有著非常重要的地位;
- This essay analyses the irrational passion in Stefan Zweig"s novels. 本文對茨威格小說中的非理性激情進行研究。
- Most of the characters inM.. Shen Congwen"s novels are common people. 小說描寫的人物多數是普普通通的百姓。
- The 「Beijing free improvisation alliance」 is initiated and organized by the saxophonist Li Tie Qiao who returned to Beijing after living two years in Norway. 北京自由即興同盟是一個以自由即興音樂為主,兼實驗搖滾、先鋒爵士的音樂聯盟。
- The 「Beijing free improvisation alliance」 is initiated and organized by the saxophonist Li Tie Qiao who have just returned to Beijing after living two years in Norway. 成員主要來自古典樂手、爵士樂手、搖滾樂手、噪音電子樂手、多媒體藝術家、先鋒舞蹈藝術家。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大聲朗誦小說給愛人聽。
- In the fall of 2002, when the youth of the young Li Weifeng, along with Li Tie, the Premiership club Everton phase, Yuanduzhongyang has become the envy of much of a Premiership player. 2002年秋,正值青春年少的李瑋鋒跟李鐵一道,被英超埃弗頓俱樂部相中,遠渡重洋成了一位備受羨慕的英超球員。
- Natural sex, childlike innocence and strength are the natural expressions of life in SHEN's novels. 這種精神浸透到了它的生命形態、運觀念、世精神之中。
- The first part studied the formative reasons of the tragical significance in Conrad』s novels. 第一部分考察了康拉德小說創作的悲劇意蘊的形成原因。
- "Rakish & thoughtful" are the key features of Bi"s novels, existing throughout his compositions. 「輕盈而凝重」是畢飛宇小說的最大特點,存在於他小說創作的始終。
- Murakami Haruki』s novels possess both the characteristics of the popular literature and the scholastic literature. 村上春樹的小說兼具大眾文學與精英文學的特點。